Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Saturday, June 11, 2016

What is it about grey hair

I'm getting ready for my outing with the granddaughters, and just did my hair.  It doesn't look grey at all, but of course you can see grey strands if you look closely.  I'm talking about looking in a mirror at about 3 ft away.  Some days it looks totally grey, but not today.  Today I could pass for a kid!  (Joke, joke)
I'm getting desperate to get a haircut as it's getting way too long.  For some reason several years ago my life-long, straight-as-a-poker hair suddenly became "bendy".  It flips up on the sides, but the back is so weird.  I'm grateful that I still have thick hair, so I should quit complaining about it.

If I'm not totally zonked out from absorbing energy radiating off two 6-year olds (one who is 2 wks short of 7), then I'll finish this post later.

I am pretty tired after having all that energy bouncing off me!  Here are photos taken before we left for the bookstore - the first is with the two younger girls; the second one is all four of them.

Click the picture to enlarge it.

We did the book thing and picked out two for each of the girls, and then went into the Cafe.  Unfortunately none of their desserts were dairy-free so Arianna couldn't eat them.  I asked if they would like to go to Chipotle instead, and they readily agreed.  I have been wanting to eat at Chipotle for a long time, but don't like to go into a restaurant by myself, even for takeout, so I appreciated this opportunity.

The food was even better than I remembered - I only got white rice (seasoned to perfection) with carnitas (beef, also seasoned).  I love the food they serve and it is made from all high quality ingredients, so I don't worry about getting GMO's, MSG, and other chemicals and additives to my food.

I think we had a great time, and there's a big difference considering their ages compared to their sisters.  The attention span isn't as long, for one thing, but I think the timing ended up being perfect.  We went back to Jeannie's house and it wasn't long until all four of them were in the pool.  Joe & Sarah had gone to a movie while they could get away by themselves, and I had a nice visit with them when they came to pick up their kids.  I just barely made it home with my eyes open!

Now I have to get my grandson, Liam, to the bookstore and have him pick out a couple of books.  I think that will do it for all the grandkids, as I bought books for the boys in NY, and I've ordered the newest Harry Potter book for Ara, and well as for Joshua (NY).  It ships sometime at the end of July but the date seem to me to keep changing.  I'm anxious to hear what they think of it, as it is written for the stage rather than in story form.

I have to hit the couch for a little while.  I'm leaving the swamp cooler on high in hopes the noise of the fan drowns out the noise of the barking dogs.  I'm going to complain to the management next week.  Last night it went on starting at 7:30pm for 55 minutes, with no break.  Obviously their owners didn't care about whether it was bothering the neighbors.


  1. I really feel for you. We had a dog next door for years that barked for hours on end. It happened usually when the owners were gone. Telling them that did not make any difference,. We finally got animal control after them. They put the dog further away on the property but it was still not good. Was years before the dog died.

    1. That is so sad, and the loser was the dog. I don't mind a dog barking once in a while because that is their voice and the way they convey messages. Some dogs bark just don't know when to quit and their owners could train them to bark less if they tried. If these folks who come to the dog park across the street were trying to exert some control I wouldn;t' mind half as much. They sit in lawn chairs & talk to one another and don't care what their dogs are doing.

  2. My hair is definitely gray. Had to chuckle tge other day when I met up with some high school classmates. I was the only one with gray hair. I will never understand how people can just let their dogs bark and bark. Drives me crazy.

  3. My hair is definitely gray. Had to chuckle tge other day when I met up with some high school classmates. I was the only one with gray hair. I will never understand how people can just let their dogs bark and bark. Drives me crazy.

    1. I understand that small dogs bark more than large ones, generally speaking, and barking is their way of communicating. I don't understand how several people can bring their dogs to a dog park and let them bark for nearly an hour, and not one person even try to calm down their pet. What bothers me most is that I get so annoyed with the dog, when it's totally the owner's fault.

  4. Replies
    1. Why thank you very much. I should publish a photo some day when it looks more gray and you may change your mind. Actually I don't mind the gray.

  5. Your Granddaughters are beautiful!!!. What a great idea taking them to buy books. I will have to do that with mine when they get a bit older. I can't stand barking dogs. When we are at our winter home in Arizona it is horrible. It seems that everyone in our neighbourhood has at least 3 to four dogs and they keep them out at night and they bark ALL NIGHT LONG, every night. I don't know how they sleep through that because I know we sure don't.

    1. Hi Brenda, good to hear from you; hope you and JB are well. The dog park situation here needs to be taken care of by management. Who is the world would put a dog park this close to people's homes anyway. I can't understand their thinking at all, and I think they should take the fence down and find another place for it.

  6. I would be glad to have hair of any color:))

    1. Now that is a different way to look at it, and you make a good point.

  7. Those granddaughters are so cute. Lucky them to have you for a grandmother. I would have been in heaven if mine had taken me to buy two books. Seems like you have pretty straight hair and a simple style that someone nearby could trim for you. Your hair sure is brown all right.

    1. Thanks for the comment. My grandkids are all so cute and they melt my heart.

      The hair is straight except on the ends, which tend to flip up except in the back. Maybe it's the cut that affects the back. I noticed when I was drying my hair how brown it looked, although in the sun the red comes out.
