Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Friday, February 4, 2022

Making Lists!

I'm sure there are other list-makers out there, and probably many of you are as good, or as driven at it, as I am.  My bedside table has several lists on top of a stack of papers, and I just keep on making more!

 Of course a lot of my lists are concerned with my upcoming move - what must I take, and where will I put the items I take.  Everything is grouped by rooms in my space, or the patio, etc.  And I have lists of things I need to buy for each of the spaces.

Now and then I come across lists I have made on previous occasions, including what I will grow in my garden this year, placement of furniture, and so on.  I get as much enjoyment in the planning and list-making as I probably will in the execution of all the items in my lists.  I think it's a way to collect my scattered thoughts and put them down in writing.   I also get a lot of enjoyment in composing the lists, and of course one of the best things about it is being able to cross off "things accomplished"! 



  1. I, too, am a list maker. My problem is I get distracted easily and my lists never get completed.

  2. My problem is - I do things that are Not on the list. So, I add them to the list & cross them off. That way it looks like I am getting some things accomplished.! 😊

    1. You gave my first laugh of today! I do the very same thing!

  3. I LOVE crossing things off my list. Hope you are better organized than i am tho! I have those little lined notebooks and have a couple of them, then can't remember what is in what!!! and where???
