Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Sunday, April 26, 2020

I finally got out of the house!

Jeannie picked Rocky up yesterday afternoon and dropped him off at her house to play with the girls.  He enjoyed his favorite game of  basketball, and even got a  bit wet in the pool although I don't think he actually left the wide step and into water where he could swim.  I'm not sure if he knows that he can swim, and probably needs a more experienced dog to show him it's ok.  I don't go into the water at all, but I always say if I ever got to the steps down into the pool, I would push him in.  He would sink or swim, and I am sure of the latter.  Today he is   recuperating from all the play activity with the girls.  They plumb wore him out!

 I loved the freedom and rode with Jeannie to various stores where she made outside pickups of her orders.  It is really great to see how the stores and customers are coping very well with social distancing and still doing business.  Of course not all of them have that option.  I get so irritated when I see or hear of people flaunting the rules, and I think many of them would complain, no matter what.  We have a deadly virus all around us, everywhere, and we can only hope to keep ourselves away from it until it runs its course.   It sounds like there will be resurgences of this virus and will come in waves throughout the year and likely into next year.  Nobody likes it.

The thermometer reached 90 yesterday and it looks like today will be about the same.  I have several bags of garden soil that Joe got for me, and I would like to add it around my tomato plants, but  I'm going to wait until the sun moves over the house and towards the west.   It would have been so much better if I had been able to do that before I set the plants into the ground, but it is what it is, and out of about 19 plants I'm pretty sure at least half will  survive and thrive, and hopefully even more than that.  I've sown some zucchini and yellow squash seeds but they haven't sprouted yet.  Something that I planted last year is starting to come up.  I'm not sure yet what it is, and I may end up having to just pull the plants up, although they look like some sort of edible greens to me.  This year's gardening could be successful or could be a disaster.  It's hard to do anything when you can't get the materials and my family are all trying to stay in and stay safe until we get the all clear whistle!  Fortunately Jeannie and Steve are able to work from home, but Joe works in a hospital and you can't treat patients from the safety of your home!

I have everything I need to recaulk the bathtubs, including removing the old caulk.  I think I need to wait until the mood strikes me, and hope it strikes soon.  I'm finding it more and more difficult to get motivated to do anything these days.

I've been thinking I'd love to get a bird feeder and hang it in my backyard so I could watch all the birds that congregate in the trees there.  I am afraid that would be an invitation to the squirrels, who normally stay out of my yard.  It is almost impossible to deal with squirrels when there is an easy source of food involved, and I hate to take a chance on it.  Rocky doesn't chase birds so I doubt if he would bother the squirrels either.

I wish you all a safe week ahead, and hope you take care to stay well.


  1. A lab not chasing squirrels! LOL!

    1. That's what I thought about the birds also, but he doesn't bother them.

  2. This might be of interest to you:

    1. I'm going to bed now but took a quick look at the link you provided. Whatever they are recommending, I'm going with social distancing and nearly total isolation for the time being. Younger people might be willing to take more chances, but at my age I want to be ultra conservative about this. Note: this is the first time in my entire life where I've been "ultra conservative" about anything, lol. I'm normally an ultra-liberal! I will view the entire video in the morning.

  3. Nice of Joe to bring you the soil so you can play in the garden. And getting out and taking a ride with Jeannie anything helps when you get away from the house.

    1. This weekend has been one of the best in a long time!

  4. You got doubly lucky. You got to go out and spend time with your daughter and the girls tired out Rocky!

    1. Did they ever tire him out! He's been sleeping most of the day!
