My weekend started late Friday afternoon when Jeannie & I spent about an hour at the gym. I tried to ratchet up my exercise just a bit, and hope I can continue to do so as I get stronger.
I had an appointment with the groomer today for Rocky, and again, he looks like a million dollars! His beautiful coat is shiny and black, and can almost take my breath away it is so gorgeous. With him getting into nooks and crannies in the yard that he shouldn't be getting into, his coat wont stay nice and clean for long. I was so disappointed to hear that he fought having his nails clipped or filed. He didn't give them trouble the last time he went, and I don't know why all of the sudden he wouldn't allow them to finish. I think one of his paws and a couple of nails on another paw didn't get finished. Next time I'm going to give him something to calm him down before I take him to be groomed. I know the groomers don't really like to clip his nails to begin with because they are completely black and you can't see where the blood line is. For that reason they encourasge me to have them file his nails rather than clip them, which I can agree to, but he wouldn't let them use the file this time.
During the 2+ hrs he was at the groomer, Jeannie took me to Home Depot where I picked up some more garden supplies, plus flowerpots and supplies for my indoor plants. I've been able to buy just a few plants and propagate cuttings from those to give me a lot more. For years and in several different houses I've lived in, I always loved beautiful house plants. In the years I lived in an RV and then in a mobile home I didn't keep many plants, except for the aloe vera given to me by my grandmother years ago. Now I'm really enjoying having houseplants, and of course, the aloe vera is still with me. I think fondly of my grandma when I see it every day.
I think I've mentioned that when I planted my garden I wanted to grow a row of marigolds around the perimeter because they emit an odor that keeps many pests away. At least that's what "they say". I also planted carrot and bell pepper seeds, but Rocky found his way into the newly planted garden and lord only knows what happened to the carrots and peppers. Also, marigolds are probably one of the easiest flowers to grow, but I've never seen one yet this year. I do have a plant that is growing here and there in the garden, but has never produced so much as a bud or a flower. I took a photo of one of the plants and will post it so maybe someone can enlighten me on this plant. Is it a weed, a carrot top, or a marigold?
I'm referring to the plant in the lower portion of the photo.
What a beautiful day this has been! I think the temperature got up to 90, but there was a breeze to maintain a comfort level all day. When I walk Rocky around 8am, I am actually cold! That is a great feeling in Sacramento in the hot summer months.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend, and I'll be back in a day or so.
Silver Springs Land Side
7 hours ago
I can tell you that it isn't a carrot. But as to what ELSE it is, sorry. I don't know.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment. I didn't think it was a carrot, but confused.
DeleteOooo. Sorry. I think it's a marigold.
ReplyDeleteYou are correct, I'm sure, but I wonder when it will flower.
DeleteYep, a marigold.
ReplyDeletePretty sure it is. Thanks.
DeleteThat IS a marigold. Cage it-Oh, that Rocky, ha ha. I'm amazed every moment by the why and how of our dogs' minds - the stories I could tell. So pleased, Gypsy, to hear how lively & good life is for you these days (so wonderful being close by to family). Ah,"The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" -wasn't that a movie? I so love the animals innocent intentions and busy bodies, just like little children and without any back-sass either! Give your boy a raw yellow squash; ours love it' we laugh at Gin-Gin's enthusiasm crunching/chomping away. Yay, Life.
ReplyDeleteI think it confused me because I was almost positive I planted the very small marigolds. This one must be one of the tall ones.
DeleteThanks for the tip about squash for Rocky. I know he will love it. Is it the same for green zucchini? I just picked 4 of them!.
Oh that Rocky! It is like you are raising another child :)
ReplyDeleteYou are so lucky to have something that reminds you of your grandmother. Wish I had something to remind me of mine but I never even had a conversation with her.
Your garden looks great.
Because I had 5 younger brothers (and a lot of responsibility) my parents let me visit my grandparents on their farm for a few weeks during the summer. I have wonderful memories of my grandma, her biscuits and such tasty cooking, letting me gather the eggs, etc. I even got to milk one of the cows when my aunt & uncle did the milking. I always got more milk on my legs than in the bucket! My parents always laughed when I came back home with a Kentucky accent!
DeleteFred never minded getting his nails cut until I took him to a groomer that I hadn't used before. They used the electric file and that did it for him. He hates having the groomer cut his nails now and she never used a file on him. She said he will never forget that and now is not happy having his nails cut.
ReplyDeleteI love the story of your summers with your grandmother.
Rocky has had one previous grooming session and didn't have a problem with the nails getting filed. I don't know if it was the groomer or if he's just getting weird about it, but he wasn't having any of it. I need to find another groomer that he might trust to do his nails.
DeleteI had a happy childhood and summers with my grandparents were just great. Still at home was an aunt who was about 16, and an uncle who was 14. I was treated like a princess!