Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Will my photos appear?

I've spent several days researching this camera and how to share pictures taken with it, to no avail.   This evening Sandy worked with it and got one photo to appear in a message, so there much be a way.  I hope I don't have to send each photo in an individual message, but will do it if I have to.

 Sandy & Joshua (my grandson) took a look at it and somehow magically retrieved my pictures in the proper format.  I have no clue how they did it but here are a few pictures to start.  I'll add more each day.  Click on photo to enlarge it:

Blue Mountain and surrounding area, Sierra Nevada Mountains:


  1. Nice pictures and easy to see big. Kids are a blessing (sometimes 😜) Enjoy your time with family.

    1. Thank you so much. I'm really going to love this short vacation.

  2. You got some really great pictures. Sure glad they figured it out.

    1. I am too. I used to be more savvy, but now I need a kid to show me!
