Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Monday, October 3, 2016

Another beautiful cool day

I was slow moving from the time I got up this morning, the warm bed was difficult to get out of.  I finally ate breakfast and went to the gym.  By the time I arrived it was starting to drizzle which I was glad to see, except that I had puffed and fluffed my hair (which looked gorgeous, by the way), and the raindrops sort of limped out the fluff!  No matter.

I went to Bel Air afterwards and bought 3 fresh apples for my Wednesday effort at painting.  On the way into the store was a table full of really pretty, large, shiny Galas, but as they weren't organic I wouldn't eat them after painting them.  The organic apples are a bit smaller and not quite as shiny, although I'll buff them up a bit.

I've never thought I could draw a thing, but the apples look pretty good to me, so I wondered how much I might improve if I draw one new subject a day.  So far I haven't seen anything that might serve - I want something fairly simple and quick, nothing I will have to agonize over.

Several people have mentioned going to Pinterest for ideas.  I have never been to that website.  Must you register and get a username, password, etc?  I have always thought it might be something like Facebook, which I have been on in the past but quit for good a few years ago.  But what I really want to know, is how Pinterest works, how much information do they want from you, etc.

I'm planning to visit the library tomorrow although the books I requested still haven't come in.  They do have quite a selection of art books, and I hope to find something helpful there.  I went over the apple drawing and darkened the lines so that I could see them better - I was afraid to make much of a mark on paper when I did them.  I find that with my mac degeneration I need to turn the page around as I can see and work best on one side.  I found that in the painting class as well, which means the easel I bought might not work so well for me.  I need to set the canvas on the table and then turn it to suit.  It's almost a laughing matter to me to think I will ever be able to do anything halfway talented-looking, but I love the idea of trying.

I was so looking forward to fixing myself a nice dinner this evening, but all thoughts of it just dissipated.  I'm not humgry in the least, and I have a bag of salad mix on hand but don't feel like even fixing that!  

I'm watching a hummingbird that is really enjoying the feeder on the front porch.  He feeds, then goes back to his tree and is back at the feeder again before you know it.  I'm sure it's the same bird, but there may be two of them.

Thanks to all who have given me ideas and websites to check out in the area of art painting.  I'm enjoying them and getting something from each and every one.

I just tried to take photos off both my cameras; two insignificant pictures are intact, but about 10 which I've been taking with my Fuji camera aren't there, for some reason.  When I download them to the computer I always delete them from the card, so they are gone for good.  I might as well give up on photography, and eventually, using a computer for anything except email.  Maybe I could just take the card to Costco and bring it up and print the ones I want to keep, but then that still wouldn't allow me to include them into my blog.  I get brain freeze just thinking about it.

After I published this I looked up Pinterest on google, and see it is described as having social network features.  I'm not into social networking, except if you call the blog I write and those I read regularly "social networking".  Also, registration is required and it sounds like another Facebook to me.


  1. Hi Gypsy
    Pin interest is free and you can just look at what you are interested in by googling it. You would type in Pin interest bowls of fruit or bowls of apples. It is an interesting site to visit as it has many, many different ideas even about organization. I really think you will like it. I go there often. Kathy -It's about time.

    1. I got burned by Facebook and have sworn off social networking sites, even though it's tempting to go back and see some of the new stuff.

  2. I haven't signed up for pinterest either it was originally billed as a social network for crafty people. My blog is about as 'social networking' as I want to be.

    1. I love my blog, the people who read it, and those whose blogs I read. Rarely does anyone get out of line or hurt others' feelings, at least I don't see it. Facebook was the most horrifying experience I've ever had, and much of the dissing I took came from relatives. Never again.

  3. Going to ask my daughter about pinterest you have me going now. I think you can do lots of art stuff with it. changing faces and some silly stuff but also fix pictures but I may be thinking of something else. Hope your happy with your apple art

    1. I've heard it is a lot like Facebook in that it requires registration, probably they want a lot of personal information, and it's classified as "social network". I'm not getting into any more social networks if I can help it. I'm going to the library tomorrow and will pick up some books, and then just look around me to find easy to draw subjects. The apples are easy to draw but I haven't tried to paint them yet!

  4. I don't find that Pinterest is like Facebook. I'm not really sure how I got signed up for it but I get emails with usually about 8 pictures that take you to someone's blog. Since I usually am only interested in recipes that is mostly what I get. I'm sure they track what you click on and send you more of what you are interested in.

    1. Thanks for your take on it. It seems like it has really taken off over the past year or so.

      My kids laugh at me when I worry about giving out personal information and having the govt and commercial interests collect it and know everything about me. They say, "You lay out your life in the open on your blog!" It's true

  5. You can check out Pinterest without registering. Just look and check out the links to items that interest you. I don't if your teacher allows it but I trace a lot of my paintings. I have the picture enlarged and then use carbon paper to transfer the main lines to my canvas. Really helps.
