Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Jet lag

I don't ever have problem getting used to time differences when I drive, but the plane travel is killing me!  I would love to just sleep for 24 hours.

My grandsons' soccer season started today so I watched them play.  The temps weren't bad at all, but I suddenly remembered what humidity is!  After the games the rain started coming down and it's been pouring ever since.  I sure don't mind seeing it, and the New Yorkers are grateful as well since they haven't had any rain for several weeks.  Sacramento should have a few of the drops.

I can't yet think straight enough to write much, and hope I'm back on track in the next day or two.


  1. I hear they has some wide spread rain back east. And my cousin from CA. that was visiting talked to her neighbor and found out they had rain and very bad winds that tore their shed down. We haven't heard to much from them just that they arrived home safe. And I sitll don't remember what part of CA. their from sorry.

  2. This last trip to Denmark liked to kill FTWB and I both. We've never had issues with it. We usually just go about our day when we arrive someplace and this time was the same.........when we arrived in Denmark. When we got home was a whole other game! It took us both almost a week to get back on our schedule.

  3. I much prefer to drive where ever I am going. That way, you get to see a lot more scenery and can stop at interesting places if you want.
