Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Recuperating today.

After writing a couple of paragraphs they suddenly went "Poof" and were gone.  I really dislike this computer.  It isn't at all easy to work with.

The visit to the dentist yesterday went okay although he did more work than I thought he would.  I've been trying to tell him that I just can't take the ordeal of having more things done in one visit.  I hate to spread them out, but as it is now, it takes me a couple of days to recuperate to the point where I can eat.  At least I haven't had much pain at the injection sites like I did on my last visit.  I have to go back one more time, and two if he hears what I am saying about not  being able to take the longer visits and more dental work at one time.  I'm getting too old for it!   He is a good dentist, probably one of the best I've ever been to.  And he always calls his patients the evening they have had work done and asks how they are feeling.  That is a very nice touch, and I'm impressed he takes the time to check.

For a brief moment a few days ago I thought I might break down and buy a television set.  Then I remembered that I don't want to pay for channels I never watched, although with a certain type of TV I don't need service to get a decent picture plus quite a few channels at no extra cost.   After thinking about it for a few minutes I decided to not waste my money on it. 

Rocky is sleeping on my lap so it is very difficult to type - guess I'll stop now.  Where do the days go?  The weekend is nearly on us, and I certainly don't have plans.  I should get out and work in my garden but will probably find a reason to procrastinate!



  1. I understand about the dentist so shots hurt worse than the what ever digging and fixing they do. I need to set up an apt for next week and get a couple teeth taken care of.

    1. My dentist is great at giving the shots. He takes a lot of time, and first uses a swab with numbing medicine on it, then when it is pretty well numb from that, he does the injections. By then you can barely feel it. The pain, for me, comes later on when it all wears off. There is just no pain-free dentistry, the way I see it.

  2. While I have never had a root canal I have heard they can be painful so I can see why you would want to space out your visits.

    These days you can stream some many things for free over the Internet so one does not really need a television.

    1. I wouldn't have a clue about streaming anything. Back in my younger days when computers began apppearing in homes and the workplace, I was considered an expert. I taught others, developed programs for use in my work, etc. When I retired at 55, I completely left all that stuff, even though I continued to use a personal computer. Things became so complicated and advanced that they left me behind. Now I use a computer for things that enhance my life, but I hate it when they constantly update and change things - just like phones. I want technology to work for me, and not me work for it.

  3. Boy I could not agree with you more about having worked with computers and known everything then retired and now know nothing. I too want it to work for me, not me for it. I don't know how people manage to do everything they do. I put Windows10 on my laptop kicking and screaming. Windows XP was the best operating system they ever had - most stable. Win 7 wasn't bad but 10 doesn't even have a DVD program. I guess they want everyone to pay for high speed internet and for streaming services and netflix and all the rest. But what I really don't get is how all the people now buying RVs and going full time deal with all this stuff needing such a strong signal. And don't get me started about SO MANY PEOPLE fulltiming and the near impossibility of getting site reservations. They all are smarter than I am obviously and have figured out how to have faster internet because I've not been able to book one site on Reserve America in the past 6 days. Sorry for the rant!

    1. Rant on! I don't miss the RVing lifestyle one bit. I guess I just wasn't cut out for it, especially as a solo. I always loved to travel, but found out I liked stopping and setting up a tent at night or finding a lovely "mom & pop" motel off the beaten track. Since I didn't have to deal with an RV on back roads, I could travel across the country on the state routes which are so much more pleasant and scenic, and friendly.

  4. Nice your dentist calls. I had a root canal last year & because it was calcified it required two visits, of two hrs each. Last visit I had to go straight from the chair right across the road to a funeral, I sure was glad to get that day over with. :-)
    I think you would find tv watching on your computer is not difficult once you try it. Tonight we just watched an old documentary from our local pbs station on the computer. I did a bit of a search. & if you go to. kvie.org It looks like you could have quite a choice of shows for a donation of $60 a year. There are probably other stations that would be free. In our area, our CBC & CTV are both stations that I could watch from the computer. Just google a few of your stations & see what you find.

  5. Thank you for the suggestion about kvie. When I had TV, that was one of the few stations I watched.

    I think dental work is the worst thing I have to go through in life!

  6. When all of a sudden everything you've written (or part of it) disappears - BEFORE YOU TOUCH ANYTHING try holding down ctrl and z at the same time. If you've not touched the keyboard since things disappeared it will all often reappear.

    1. Wow, if that will only work! I will write it down so I won't forget it when it happens again. Thanks Barbara.

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