One of the first things Liam and I did when he was he on Saturday was to play a game on my computer, on a website called You choose a category of dinosaurs and are given a screen that is sort of like Wheel of Fortune. You see a picture of the dino, and a big square contains blanks for the letters in the dino's name.
When we came to one of the pictures Liam recognized the dino by the picture, and called out "Micropachycephalosaurus"! I wasn't sure how to spell it but we made our way through it and darned if he wasn't right. I counted 23 letters and 9 syllables, and the name just rolled off his tongue like it was the easiest word in the language. All I could do was to shake my head in wonder.
There was a dinosaur that had "raptor" in his name and I commented that a raptor was a bird, whereas the dinosaur was too big and didn't fly, so why the "raptor" part. He told me in very distinct, quiet tones, "Grandma, he had feathers". He was correct, and many dinos had feathers even though they weren't bird-like.
We had a great time playing games, watching a dinosaur video, making a trip over to In-N-Out Burger, and so on. His dad came to get him on Sunday morning, and the house became so quiet it seemed weird.
Joe just stopped by with his two girls for an hour or so. Alyssa is giving her Ancestor Report on Friday - about me, the oldest ancestor she knows - and needed some pictures.
I am nearly crazy trying to kill and pull the weeds and grass in my yard. I'm out there every day and it doesn't seem like I've made a difference. I clean up one area, and by the next day there are more growing. I've tried vinegar as well as an Ortho weed killer, and hate to go to Roundup but it may come to that. What I need is a micropachycephalosaurus, which was a fairly small plant eater.
I thought I was over my spell of "drop-itis", but at lunch I was closing the container of sour cream and it dropped. Fortunately it hit the side of the cabinet and bounced off, splashing sour cream on the floor in various spots, but the container landed top up. I figured since the rim never touched the floor meant the sour cream left in the tub was ok to eat. I used it on my tacos at lunchtime, and will have to splash it all over vegetables & cheese for dinner! I have tried to be so careful to not drop anything, but here I go again!
Last Visit to the Silver Springs for this Year
4 hours ago