Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

My cast is gorgeous!

All I need to do is to figure out how to get a photo from my camera to my computer.  I never had any trouble doing that before, but you know how everything is updated and changed so frequently, and I'm not sure if I want to tackle that - especially one-handed!

I only meant to upload one photo, but somehow both showed up.  Too lazy to remove one.

The cheerful color of the cast sure improves my mood.  It won't look so good in 6 wks after it;s become worn & dirty.  Click on a picture  to enlarge it.


  1. Wow that is a good looking cast...Hope the pain is easing up.

    1. Surprisingly, the pain is as bad as it was on the first day!

  2. Love the red cast. I had a purple one for my ankle. Did you like the doc okay?

    1. The doc was okay - nothing to write home about. I thought I'd come up off the table when he started stretching my fingers.

  3. Well that sure is a nice cast, they have improved over the years from the white that didn't stay white for long. Glad it made you feel better.

    1. Yeah, the color is the only good thing about te entire ordeal!

  4. I forgot, when I got my cast back in January, they asked me what color, and I chose Royal Blue. It covered my right leg from my knee down and past my ankle. I had a fractured tibia and femur. The pain really bothered me for 2 months, but now I feel no pain. I just have to get used to putting more weight on it.

    1. Oh dear, I hope I don't have pain for that long!

  5. It sure is gorgeous Gypsy!

    I did not know you could even choose a color, I guess I am showing my age :-)

  6. It looks like it could be heavy as well. You might consider wearing a sling when you go out for a walk.
    Be Safe and Enjoy the healing process.

    It's about time.

  7. I think all casts are fairky heavy and I do wear a sling with it most of the time.

  8. Replies
    1. It is probably the only cheery part of my ordeal!

  9. I like your choice of color and that you are moving long on the road to recovery which I hope isn't going to take what feels like forever. I assume that attractive group in the picture behind you is your family. Wow that is a big group!
