Just another Saturday that has gone by way too fast. I realized this morning that I didn't feel like knocking myself out over anything - I did enough of that yesterday. I did a load of laundry, line dried, and folded it, and that makes me feel virtuous enough!
I was talking to Ara on the phone when the electricity (which means no water as well) went off in the entire Park. A little over an hour later it is now back on, but I passed the stage where I feel like cooking dinner, a shame because I had everything ready to start. I opened the fridge quickly and retrieved a bottle of beer, got out a bag of cheese puffs, and may fix a turkey sandwich a little later, or maybe not.
Ara says "thank you" for the birthday wishes in my comment section. She and a friend have been rafting, biking, camping, etc., in the Ozarks and I want photos! She said something about the fact that she doesn't take many photos. I thought everyone with a smart phone took pictures incessantly!
I just looked out the window and the sunset this evening is beyond words. I wish I could paint those colors.
The planes practiced a little today, but not as much as I thought they would. There were a couple of breath-taking maneuvers though. Would you believe that neither of my cameras would take a photo?
It is so much cooler today and I hope we are past the sizzling summer so common in Sacramento. We might even get a bit of rain by Sunday. I'm going to enjoy sleeping tonight with the cold breeze blowing in through my window.
I just looked outside again and couldn't believe the colors. It looks like a Bob Ross painting with the palm trees silhouetted against the beautiful sky with all shades of red streaks. I did run out with one of the cameras, and I can tell that the colors are going to be drab. Some things you just have to store in your memory.
I've just about decided that I'm going to set the painting aside as whatever I do to it now is not going to be an enhancement. I plan to use some small 5x7 canvas boards and am looking for easy, uncluttered pictures as subjects, but having a difficult time finding anything. I looked at the magazine racks at Michael's this morning but they aren't the type of thing I'm hoping to find. I think I'd like to paint a flower, or a piece of pottery, or just something more simple where I'm not so attached to the colors. I need a rest from the one I started on, and a couple of weeks doing the small and simple scenes will get me back on track, I hope.
Luck at Rainbow Springs
21 minutes ago
Paint the painting that is in your mind, any color you want to, any shape you want to. That is what REAL art is like.
ReplyDeleteI'm working myself up to that, Barney. One big problem for me is that I know nothing about painting: which brush do I use for what; how do I hold the brush; how do I mix the paints; and so on. I really screwed up by trying to match what the color wheel was telling me, and got my river way too dark. That's when I decided to put it away for a while and do something simpler, and hopefully, my way. I really appreciate your comments, by the way, as I've seen a little of your work that you've posted and believe you know what you are talking about!
DeleteSounds like Ara is having a good time. Oh to be young again.
ReplyDeleteIt's a great time of one's life, but I probably have less to worry about at my age. I enjoyed 27 though.
Delete"I thought everyone with a smart phone took pictures incessantly!"
ReplyDeleteI share that sentiment but I do not think that happens with people in my age group or older. A good friend of mine is always telling me how she saw, so and so and how fat they looked, etc. etc. and I always ask her why she did not take a picture when she always carries her cell phone.
However, younger generations like Ara, I am very surprised and happily surprised that she does not put that much emphasis on taking pictures with her phone.
I love this weather and only wish I could open the windows but mother is afraid a lizard will come in like one did 10 years ago and will have none of it :-(
Ara isn't the type to be constantly looking at her phone, which is good. She is also not a TV watcher, and in fact hasn't had TV since she graduated from high school and went away to college. I was using her old TV, but recently had the service disconnected. I'm surprised there are young people who have bucked the trend.
DeleteI agree with Barney. Paint for yourself, what you want and the way you want it. I haven't painted in quite awhile. Guess I will have to get my brushes out.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to try.
DeleteI use Pinesol too!!! a LOT of Pinesol... found some at a yard sale for $2 a bottle, was SO excited!!! Brian always knows when I clean the floors by the smell.. he comes in and says, "cleaned house huh, Mom!!" will probably be remembered for that long after I am gone...
ReplyDeleteOH, and the colors of the sunsets, there is no way to get those in a picture, huh? I took a pic for facebook the other night, was so very pretty, but not quite what it was like in real life!!! I figure there is no matter what you put down in a painting, at some point in time, the skies would have more than likely looked like that!!
It's good to hear from you. I like PineSol better than any other cleaner, and it smells so clean.
DeleteI always find that it's impossible to capture the true beauty of a sunset in a photograph. A lot of things I realized a while back I just have to hold certain scenes in my memory.
You say, "I wish I could paint those colors." Keep on learning Gypsy, for in time you will 'paint those colors'. Senior Citizens here has our own resident retired art teacher - daily and so cheap its hard to believe $5 for 4-5 lessons. Basic color theory taught me so much, a key that opened the door for me. Take full advantage of your local library. We are blessed to have our libraries - one day they will be 'no more', librarian daughter told me. Guess technology will wipe them out. So many local libraries have already closed their doors. A needed loss for a town's citizens. I love my library visits, always an exciting vista exploring the shelves. I read very little fiction, minute amounts. Don't you love to learn! Get "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" - author, I can't recall - Betty somebody. Extremely helpful to me. Using Amazon.com, you can find books for little as one cent - art books. Oh me! I own so many books, all I need is my own store sign to start a business or a home lending library. A failure I'm sure though for the world has it's eyes on those tiny oblong 'Thingys' ...and bumping into lamp posts! Ha, Ha, Ha. Another great art learning tool is YouTube.com - short and long sessions you will find and most likely love. Learning to draw (pencil& paper, only tools you need) is the first step in art - hmm, I didn't know that in the beginning - it's the key to success. A "Gypsy Rembrandt" - highly achievable, Girl. Enjoy your learning; that's the key to all!
ReplyDeleteYou are an inspiration, and we think so much alike when it comes to libraries. About a year after I retired I worked part time at the Fairfax Co. VA public library system, one of the largest in the country possibly. I have always loved books and libraries, and find the people who work in them to be the most open minded, likeable folks in the world! It's so sad to see the writing on the wall - already they have an oversized proportion of media rather than paper books. I'm trying my best to get my grandchildren to appreciate the difference, and most of them have good home libraries of their own. Jeannie's daughters are so funny - they are allowed to check out as many as 30 books at a time each, and they do!
DeleteI have some art books on order, but even if they aren't in yet I'm planning to make a trip on Tuesday to see what I can find. I just wish they had some in large print.
I've come to the conclusion that I've gone about it all wrong - waiting for a teacher to teach, when I should be doing and trying things on my own even if I don't do them the right way. What do I have to lose? I'm losing time that I could be enjoying it while I wait for a weekly art class where I just get frustrated.
Thanks for your wonderful support and encouragement.