I went to Target before I started on the clean-up job I am dreading. I was nearly out of Pine Sol so that was the first thing I put into the cart, and to the produce section for bananas. Target is the only store around here that sells Chiquita bananas, which are so superior to Del Monte and Dole that there isn't even a question about which one I prefer.
I finally got started in the kitchen, and I think I've cleaned just about everything except the floor, and I'll try to do that tomorrow. I also did the railings and spokes on the front and side porches, as I could barely stand to touch them they were so dirty. I washed the kitchen window that looks out on the front porch also - this is the window where I cleaned the venetian blinds not too long ago! I could probably go over them again but not just yet. I wiped off a lot of surfaces in the living room but everything in here needs to be done, and then there is the dreaded floor, the one I do on hands and knees. By the time I get to the back of the house the front will be needing to be cleaned again. I don't know if my old knees can take it again.
I noticed early on some rumbling in the skies and at first couldn't figure out what it was. Then I heard planes streaking overhead and remembered there is an air show this weekend at the old Mather AFB. Joe has an excellent view of those shows from his house. The racket they were making was tremendous so I finally went outside to investigate. At that point there was one jet flying in huge circles over the city - I think they must have covered the entire Sacramento area taking into consideration the time they flew over me and direction they headed in, the direction they came back from, and the length of time in the air. I eventually went outside with my camera but of course the planes never flew anywhere nearby when I was ready.
That was when I did some cleaning on the porch, so I could run down to the street and see the planes when they flew overhead. Two appeared, and eventually four of them together, looking so close to each other I could hardly bear to watch. What a noise. Neighbor Ed came out and told me they were F-18's. Couldn't prove it by me but even though I'm not a big fan of jets I'll have to admit they are spectacular to watch in the air. Never did get a picture, but I'm sure they will be practicing again tomorrow and I may just go out and stay out watching the sky until I can get a photo.
I'm just finishing Series 3 of the Bob Ross youtube videos. Each series has about 13 videos, running close to 27 minutes each. I'd love to try the oils, but not right now as I've spent a lot getting the acrylic paints, and oils are even more expensive. I'm wondering if my vision problems won't overtake my ambitions. In the meantime I love the videos and have learned quite a lot just from watching Bob paint.
My granddaughter will be 27 tomorrow. Happy birthday, Ara!
Luck at Rainbow Springs
32 minutes ago
I have done so much cleaning here too. It's amazing that the house had been closed up most of the summer and yet so much dust.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Ara. time sure does fly doesn't it.
I can understand the dust coming in my open windows - I keep them open so the place really cools off at night. Without A/C, it means I don't have to turn on the swamp cooler until Noon or later. The next 15 days we are supposed to have only two that reach the 80's - the rest are all 50's & 70's. I'm gonna loe it.
DeleteTime flies alright - I can 't believe Ara will be 27 (or that I'm coming up on 76 in a few more weeks).
I meant 60's & 70's!
DeleteHappy birthday Ara!
ReplyDeleteA friend who paints does all her base/background work in acrylics. Then the fine details in oil. Just some food for thought.
I'm not ruling out oil paints eventually, but I feel I've invested enough in acrylics that I should get to feeling comfortable with them.
DeleteI've been wondering if the Impressionist artists like Renoir, Degas and Monet had vision problems and just painted it the way they saw it. BTW, I really liked Bob Ross and hated to see him go. He was such an encouragement.
DeleteThat is something i never thought of, although it seems to be the way most painters went in those days. It's interesting to see some of their earlier stuff. I have a print hanging on my wall of a Picasso called "The Lovers", and you wouldn't ever recognize his style unless you followed his career. It is a beautiful picture of a man and woman, very realistic and I love it.
Sorry I can't do a link in this part of the blog but if I remember I will put it in today's blog (if I write one). It's worth a copy/paste just to see how he changed over his artistic life. He painted this one around 1910.
Happy Birthday Ara! I am amazed at how much cleaning you do. Remind me never to invite you inside my house! LOL!! You'll get to oils eventually I just bet.
ReplyDeleteI'm not really much of a cleaner as I never learned how to do it properly (I babysat all my younger sibs because my Mom could do the cleaning to her satisfaction.) I live in the dirtiest spot in Sacramento, plus the dry arid winds just blow dirt everywhere. I'm always woefully behind.
DeleteI think I will try oils, but for now acrylics are easier, teachers are more available, supplies are cheaper, and I can't imagine what I would do to discard old paint thinner.
I really need to do some deep cleaning but true to my procrastinating ways, I tend to put it off. There is an old Spanish saying..."Solo limpio por donde ve mi suegra"...it translates to " I only clean where my mother-in-law will notice"...though it bears mentioning that I do not have a mother-in-law :D
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to Ara!
I love the saying and was able to translate most of it before I read your translation. "Suegra" got me!
DeleteI wouldn't want anyone to think I am a clean freak . I put things off whenever I can, like today. I'm sick of cleaning stuff so I did a load of laundry and have been chilling out.
If Ara was here I would sing "Las Mananitas" to her, although I only remember the first two lines and would have to "la la la" the rest of it!
For Ara...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBsjiqA6Wm8
DeleteLove Bob Ross - he makes painting look so easy. When he was on TV I used to watch all his shows. For someone like me who has no artistic talent I can appreciate his style of painting.