Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

The pains of moving!

It isn't just the packing, although that is a real pain too.  I'm at the point that I am beginning to think I won't ever get it all done.

The real pain as I found out this afternoon, is all the effort to change your address with utilities, medical services,  retirement services, and a whole host of different entities and companies.

I'm a civil slervice retiree, and they,  like everyone else must hire a huge staff of developers whose job it is to make sure you don't get too comfortable with using the screens on their website.  I tried all afternoon to change my address with Civil Service Retirement, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Medicare, the local utility companies, and many others.  The only change I was able to make was with my credit union, and I just wrote them a letter detailing the changes to my information.

For previous moves I just went to the post office to fill out a change of address form, but that was when I was driving.  I decided to do it online, to find out they want your credit card info so they can charge you for online service!  You can bet I will find a way to the Post Office to fill out a card!

I thought I had completely lost my computer this morning, but someone suggested I plug it into another outlet and see if it would work, and by golly it did!  I'm going to buy a new computer soon as this one is acting really bad.  I've decided to pay the extra and get a larger screen - I'm using a 13" and will go back to a 15" screen.  Anything larger than that makes it more difficult to get around the screen with the mouse, as well as it being nearly impossible to take the entire screen in at a glance.  I will move my eyes around the screen, but don't want to have to move my head to get from one corner to another.   One problem I've noticed with newer Macs is that they don't have a slot for a disc.  I have a lot of information and photos stored on discs, and I won't buy a computer that doesn't take them.  That will leave out the MacBook, but maybe I can change to another model.  I sure would hate to go back to the Microsoft operating system.

Rocky is sticking right by my side, and I don't even have as much problem leashing him up to go home from the dog park.  He wants to make sure I'm not  moving without him, and every box I pack and add to the stack adds to his consternation.  He is still definitely a puppy and will remain in puppy-hood for another year at least, but I see little signs of improvement now and then so I have hope I can hang in there.

It is really getting hot now, and wouldn't you know it my swamp cooler isn't cooling.  The water isn't getting up to the pan underneath the fan, and I've turned the valve on so I don't know what else to do.    You can barely survive in Sacramento without some kind of cooling.

I need to get back to doing something connected with preparing for my move.  I feel so inadequate and that is hard to take when I think of all the moves I've made in my lifetime.  This is definitely the worst, and I hope the last!


  1. I had no idea the postal service charged to change your address online...that is a shame you would think they would prefer you did it that way.

    Moves rate high in the stress level category but I know you will get through it. Take care.

    1. To be fair, the charge isn't really all that high, but I don't see why they should do it.

  2. I gave up the last move and hired someone to do the packing plus the move. I just don't have it in me any more. I was so overwhelmed, one of the best decisions I have made.

    1. I've thought of that several times but my daughter has packed a lot of things, especially just about everything in the kitchen. Unpacking the boxes and figuring out where I want to put everything is going to be a real problem!

  3. During a move is a great time to simplify your lifestyle.

    1. I moved from an RV - simple lifestyle - to a small apt. for a year, and then into this house. I haven't accumulated much in the way of "things", but the paperwork could bury me!

  4. Regarding the MacBook with no disc drive built in on the new models. I bought a disc drive from Apple that plugs into the USB port and it works well.

    1. I didn't realize you could do that, so there is a USB port? I think that would be ok with me as I don't use the disc drive all that much but I don't want to do without one either.

  5. I believe the $1 charge to a credit card is for security reasons, to help make sure no one other than you can forward your mail. I do it annually to have my mail forwarded during the winter although in my case it is only effective for 6 months.

    1. I went ahead and paid the fee for mail forwarding.

  6. You got me thinking about all the addresses I would need to change if we decide to become AZ residents. Maybe we'll just keep the mail forwarding service we use. It would be so much easier. I googled the top three life stressors and moving is number three. Death of a spouse and divorce are one and two. So it's okay to feel overwhelmed and frustrated. You are making great progress and yes it will all get done. Dogs always know when something major is happening in their world. And they also know when you are stressed so they are too. So take time to just love on him and calm both of you down. That's what I do with Skitz and Jim does with our Rocky.

  7. I sure wouldn't ever want to leave this place. I love it here and maybe I should set aside an acre or two for a family grave yard. Then I could stay here for ever.

    1. You are lucky to be in a place you love. I

  8. I had to pay the $1. fee when I used to transfer my mail to the mountians twice a year. Then I stopped all paper bills by just using my email address. Although some companies just don't get it through there heads not to send mail.

    You'll do fine and will be OK and so will Rocky breath deep and relax.

    1. That is what my daughter is telling me to do.

  9. Thinking of you and hoping the move is going well for you and Rocky. Know that moving is a pain, but the rewards of a new home and a wonderful backyard for Rocky will make it all worthwhile. Take care.

  10. Hi. Have thought of you many times this past week. Imagining the activity there. Hope y'all got it done. Of course, transferring everything from one site to the other is only the beginning, still lots to do. Look forward to hearing from you here! Hope the weather isn't too bad.
