I didn't mean to let the blog go this long without updating, but I've been under a lot of stress lately - mostly to do with moving, selling my current place, etc. While I have done a lot of updates over the time I've lived here, there are still some things I'd like to have taken care of. But today I talked to an agent who specializes in the mobile home market and she was very supportive of what I'd like to do. It ends up that I am going to set a price below most of the houses in this market and the agent thinks it will go fast. I certainly hope so. I have had severe indigestion the past week which I'm sure is attributable to the uncertainty I've been facing about my move, selling this home, and all the things that go with such a move.
In the meantime Rocky is having so much fun with friends at the dog park and I'm happy for him. It certainly wears him out. Galaxy's owner has been talking about bringing her over to visit me at my new place, where the two dogs can run in my back yard to their hearts content! They certainly make a fine pair.
So I'm hoping I can sell quickly and pack up my belongings quickly. I never did let myself accumulate a lot of "stuff" after living in an RV for a couple of years, but I think my downfall is keeping paperwork. I need to purge my files and throw out a lot of it. I've already gathered clothes I haven't worn in a long time, and think my next step will be getting rid of some camping equipment. I have two tents, one being a large 4 person cabin tent that worked so well for Lady and me. I also have a 2-person backpacking tent which is easier to set up but of course has less room. I'm sure Rocky and I would be comfortable in it if we ever go camping. There are numerous other items in the camping department that I could let go of. I'm about ready to drop the sentimentality factor in most of my things, so that should help.
Thank goodness for my wonderful kids. They are all so supportive and helpful, and my daughter is especially helpful in remembering things for me, and helping me make decisions. When did I get so old? I used to be the strong one and now I have to rely on my strong kids! I'm so grateful to have them.
I hope you are all having a great week, and to those of you who are in the track of stormy weather, please stay safe.
Luck at Rainbow Springs
53 minutes ago
I am glad you hired a specialist in the motor home market. On HGTV I have seen how they follow the strategy of listing low so it will bring a lot of traffic but more importantly multiple offers. Good luck to you!
ReplyDeleteI was desperate to do something, and I even thought about selling to investors, where they buy fixer uppers for rock bottom prices and fix them up to sell. They do good work and it would be an easy way out, but I've put too many upgrades, time and money into this place to let it go for practically nothing. This agent I'm going with seems to be super enthusiastic about selling it, so I'll let her try!
DeleteI am happy to find a new post this morning. Hope you sell quickly. You will be some relieved once
ReplyDeleteyou get moved, the idea of Galaxy visiting Is a super one! As fast as time flies for us, before
you know it, you will be over the hump. Relax. The worry is heavier than the actual move!
Your last sentence says it all: "The worry is heavier than the actual move". I feel like a ton has been lifted off my head already, and just hope things move quickly so I don't get discouraged.
DeleteI was just thinking about you as I started to bring up blogs and there you were. I get stressed about about moving also. In fact, about the only fight Jim and I ever had was during a stupid move. Hang in there. It will be done before too long. Todd came to help us out. Jim just cant do all that stuff anymore. So we now need help in our golden years. Sure glad to hear things are improving with Rocky.
ReplyDeleteDoesn;t time just fly by? It wasn't so long ago when we had everything under control and could manage just about any situation. Now I just can't even remember what I was doing 2 minutes ago. It's embarassing!
DeleteI know the feeling of not being able to do the things I once did. Yes my kids and grandkids are a big help. When I sold my dads house I had a mobile home realtor and she was great. It will soon be a passing memory once you are settled in your new place.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the encouragement. I know it can be a good move for me, but not a easy as moves I've made earlier in my life. It will work out though.
DeleteI can sure relate to your comments about your tents. We loved camping and had two just like you do. We sold the two person tent and kept the 6 person tent in case we ever had to evacuate due to wildfire. Last summer the wildfire came and we headed for a campground subject to strong wind. While putting the tent up the wind caught it and snapped the center piece that holds the 6 frame supports. We ended up giving it away as the part was no longer available to replace and stayed at a best western while our community burned. We should have sold the tent and just gone to the best western anyway. We were somewhat in shock though as when we were able to evacuate we had to drive through flames, embers bouncing off our vehicles and very thick smoke, all something we had not anticipated. I don't know if sleeping on the ground now would work for us. Just take the move one step at a time and everything will be just fine.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your comments. I am so glad you made it safely away from the fire. I worked as a camp host at Butte Lake campground, Lassen Volcanic N.P. several years ago, and the campground was evacuated because of the encroaching fire. I remained with the rangers until we had located all the campers and evacuated them, and then I drove my truck through the smoke and embers to safety. It was probably one of the scariest things of my life - wondering if I would be caught up in the fire, but ended up ok.
DeleteI'm not so sure about sleeping on the ground these days - eve with a good pad and sleeping bag. Getting up would be the problem!