Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


I worked for a bit at the library this morning and was thinking on the way home about my oldest son.  In going through my house trying to tidy up I found several letters from organizations and people who complimented me on my son's volunteerism.  He worked at charitable events even before high school.  I'm going to give him the letters when I get to NY, and hope he is inspired to encourage his two sons to eventually do volunteer work.  It was a bit different in the old days when everything was close enough for a kid to rid their bike or walk to most events.  Now they have to be driven everywhere - for distance as well as safety reasons.

I've been working on the kitchen, although technically I'm supposed to be purging and tidying up paper.  My brain works differently and doesn't do well when required to go in long sequences.  I can't believe how a little bit of discipine in throwing things out, plus a reorganization of what is left, has given me empty drawers in every room, including the kitchen!  

Even with all the progress that has been made, it is only visible behind closet and cabinet doors and in drawers, but in general it still looks like my house had a collision with a train!  It will all come together eventually, and I am feeling really good about myself in the meantime.

My 3rd (out of 5) brother, his wife, their daughter and baby grandson are here on their way from a trip to L.A. back home in the north.  My niece's husband flew because he couldn't take the time off work to do all the stopping and visiting along the way.  We had dinner at Jeannie's last night - Donald made chateubriand, baked potatos, asparagus, french bread (toasted with cheese and seasonings), and a wonderful blueberry cobbler with whipped cream topping.  I think he could easily get into catering in addition to his baking business.  What an absolute genius the man is!  Tonight we will see the visitors one last time at Steve's house.  I thought I wouldn't go, but since I don't see my brother that often I feel like I shouldn't miss the chance.  They are in the Seattle area, which is too far for me to drive.  It was fun holding a baby again, and fun to hand him back!

I need to get ready as I'm going to catch a ride with Jeanne and Donald across town to Steve's.  I've driven there before, but as it requires driving the freeway through town I just can't bring myself to do it any more.  I have done a pretty good job of driving home from Jeannie's in the dark the past few times I've been over there.  There is hardly any traffic after the rush hour subsides.  


  1. I know your son will love to get those letters. Things really are so different for our grandchildren than they were for our children. My mother said the same thing though. I think our kids might have been the last generation to ever be able to have any outdoor freedom to just play. So sad.

    1. I really feel sorry for kids whose parents have to arrange play dates for them to visit another kids' house. My kids pretty much had free rein in our neighborhood.

  2. Your full steam ahead with your cleaning out and reorganizing. I have come to a complete hault on mine. Maybe after this little trip I will get back into.

    It is nice to hold little babies and then give them back. Enjoy the family time with your brother.

    1. I slow down every once in a while, but the challenge for me is to clean out something each day. And then I pull open those empty drawers now and then and give myself a big girl pat on the back!

  3. Bet your son will be very happy to have those letters. I am so proud of you for staying so focused in your re-organization and clean up.

    Have a good time tonight.

    1. I had a wonderful time, and my sister and her husband came down from Carson City to join us. They brought their dog Tallulah (the one that Arianna dressed up in pearls and scarves) and the kids and the dog had a great time. Of course there were several conversations going with the adults, and I'm glad I went.

  4. Hi Gypsy -- I'm pretty slow but got one of my drawers organized this morning by looking at your photos. It is easy to see what is there with much more room in my small nightstand drawer. Thanks!

    1. Janet, I'm so happy you found something in my post & photos that helps you. It is so easy when you get started. I'm going to post photos of my kitchen orgaization one of these days, when I get them finished.
