Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

News I Can Use!

I saw my doctor this morning and came away feeling pretty positive.  She always has that effect on me.  She immediately put in an order for a walker (covered by my insurance, evidently), but seemed to think I was doing well other than the fall.  I'm hopeful that with a bit more attention to what I'm doing and the circumstances surrounding me, I can prevent future mishaps and worse injuries.  So my outlook for the future is getting better - which will certainly enhance my day to day life.

The weather has cooled down which I am so happy about, although we haven't seen the last of hot days - not yet!  I feel like I can deal with anything now, especially after finding out that I am in better health than I thought!   My eyesight is getting worse however, which means I need to pay more attention to my surroundings and to what I am doing.  It also makes it very difficult to see my black lab sometimes.

So I need to focus on the positives in my life!  Don't we all. 


  1. Nice that you have a good doctor, love to see you feeling more positive.-Mary

  2. Good health news is always a good picker upper! Get a bright colored collar for Rocky it will bounce off his black fur.

  3. I have seen in an rv park a dog with a collar with LED lights on it.
