Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Monday, November 9, 2020

New blog

I am starting a new blog entitled "Gypsy's Musings" and hope you can find it.   Remember that I am no spring chicken and my memory doesn't work as well as it used to.  So please let me know at the On The Road Again blog if you have problems accessing Gypsy's Musings.  I really feel inadequate at this point in my life.   Constructive comments are welcome and any suggestions as well.


  1. Gypsy, here. It looks like I am totally inadequate in trying to accomplish setting up a new blog that is linked to the old, familiar one. So if you all don't mind, I will just continue to write under the old heading. Maybe tomorrow I can figure it out, but at least now those of you who are interested in the new one don't have to hunt for it!

  2. I think the reason I can't find my new blog is that the name "Gypsy's Musings" has already been taken. Not only did Blogger not tell me to fine another name, they evidently deleted my initial post about Gypsy's Musings. I'll try to figure out what to do tomorrow - I'm too tired tonight to deal with it.

  3. I'll find you one way or another. So just let us know.

  4. I would hate to lose touch. This Blog works just fine, why not keep it. 😍

  5. I am really looking forward to whichever route you take since I am tooooo fond of your blog writing.

  6. I wish I could offer you some tips but I am the last person that can offer advice on computer stuff.

    Like Jim and Sandie I will find you. Glad you decided to remain in the blogosphere :-)
