Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Monday, November 9, 2020

Cold weather has arrived!

At 8:00 am this morning the thermostat read 56 degrees; my computer tells me that it is 38 degrees outdoors.  This is Sacramento, CA folks, and that is cold!  I will have to bundle up when I walk Rocky in an hour or so.  He knows it's chilly and won't even go out into the back yard right now!

I will continue to try to update my blog and give it a new title.  I have tried several times to change the title, and the one that seems to have "taken" is "No More Travels".  I am not really happy with that one, but for now I will just let it go and when I think of a more "catchy" title I will change it.


  1. In the SoCal mountains this morning at 7 AM it was 26 degrees and we had almost a foot of snow over the weekend. Winter is here!

    1. Now that's chilly! Keep warm.

    2. I can't even imagine snow these days! I used to love it. Try to stay warm.

  2. It was only 30 F here and we have a fire going upstairs and downstairs, so it is cozy inside and that’s where I will stay 😉

    1. Sounds pretty cold there as well. I think (hope) we stay in the 60's for a while, at least. Of course the temps drop way down at night.

  3. 83F and bright sunshine in Rockport, Tx today.

    1. I think we won't be seeing 83F for a while now. Enjoy every minute of it!

  4. We had 36 last night and a high of 56 today, tonight more of the same but up into 60's Tue. My new furnace handled really nice. Just had that installed Sat. just in time.

    1. I'm so glad for you that you got the new furnace installed in time for the cold snap. I like cool weather, but living in California for so long has made me feel the cold more acutely. I prefer the 70's and 80's, but we take what we get!

  5. Yesterday we had a high of 86 and today we will be in the low 80's. We even had a three minute light shower this morning. We really need rain.

    Bundle up so you won't get sick. Have you had your flu shot yet?

    1. I NEVER get a flu shot! I haven't for years, and I've never had the flu since I was young. I definitely bundle up though.
