I don't want to complain about rain, but just about as soon as the weeds dry out enough for me to cut them, it rains again. I'll have to say it's nice looking at all that green in my backyard after a summer of dead brown grass.
I took this photo when I got up this morning and managed to catch him before he woke up.
Why he burrows his head underneath the covers is a mystery to me, but it's okay.
My christmas tree still looks beautiful, and the needles aren't prickly yet nor are they dropping off the tree. I add water to the tree holder about every other day, and I hate to think of taking the tree down. Usually I'm not that sentimental about it, but this one is such as perfect shape and exactly a perfect size. Rocky can just about walk under the lowest branches, although he pretty much steers clear of the tree.
I hope there isn't too much celebrating of New Year's eve around this neighborhood. The mobile home park was perfect to me in that most people's houses were always dark after 9pm. I might enjoy popping a champagne cork, but as for all the noise of New Year's Eve, I was done with that years ago!
I think I will take Rocky for a short walk.
I might write a short post tomorrow, but if I don't I will wish everyone a Happy New Year a day early.
Last Visit to the Silver Springs for this Year
3 hours ago