Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Friday, June 3, 2022

New Neighborhoods

They can be nice when you are younger, but for a person in her 80's I can't say much for our new neighborhood.  In fact, I hate it!

I walk Rocky twice a day and don't see very many people, but I speak and wave to everyone I meet.  The only responses I get are usually from workmen in the area.  I'm just sick and tired of even trying.

I walked with Jeannie yesterday and everyone speaks to her - and she speaks to everyone.  The only difference between us is our age.  I always try to smile when I greet someone and I think it makes my voice different - more friendly.  But a helluva lot of difference it makes in my case.  I'm really tired of trying, hurt from the constant rejection, and angry because I have to tolerate this type of treatment from neighbors and strangers in the neighborhood.  When I was with Jeannie and greeted people, not one looked me straight in the eye, or responded in any way.  Their attention was all on being friendly with Jeannie.  

Anyone who still reads my posts probably recalls the old song by "The Animals":  We Gotta Get Out of This Place!  If it's the last thing we ever do.....



  1. I remember the song very well but you are right it seems that many younger people don't have a clue how to talk to a Senior. They'll be having the same thoughts if they make it to our age. Just keep smiling they'll come around.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. Gypsy, I wonder if it's a neighborhood issue? I have had discussions with several friends about how we are treated differently because we are seniors. Now, we seem to be practically invisible. I remember thinking it was kinda nice when a father told his son to help me put ny groceries onto the counter at the grocery store. And, sometimes I have been treated really well by strangers in parking lots offering to help lift something, being sure to hold doors open, etc. On the other hand, when it comes to wanting to hear what I have to say about services I pay for, I seem to be the "little old lady" they have to put up with. It feels sort of like racism, that my value is less because of my white hair. I KNOW other women never called me "Sweetie" when I was 40 or 50. Recently I arranged for reps to come to my house regarding hospice for my husband. I looked up the company, had the date set, etc., and a couple of people came. Well, lo,and behold, a couple of days later our daughter got c

  3. called regarding the matters at hand. It seems somebody thought that, since she is younger,they should deal with her instead of me! The point I am trying to make is that age seems to make us irrelevant, no matter where we live. It's a sad part of living in a society where age is not considered a positive. Becoming invisible is not a fun process. And, you are right, we feel it more when we are in the presence of younger, therefore more important people.

    1. Sorry it's taken me so long to respond to your comment. I really enjoyed hearing your views, and I agree with you totally! I'm tired of it and am starting to wonder if I would be this alone if I went into senior housing or something like that. I have a beautiful and separate suite of rooms with separate entrances (front and back), so I couldn't do much better as far as living space goes. And I can't change the neighborhood so I'm stuck with it. I probably should just stay put but it's not going to get any better. This neighborhood has many houses like ours, with a senior apartment, but so far I've never met anyone my age out and about. I know my daughter searched for a house where I would be comfortable and have other senior neighbors, but so far this hasn't been a good move for me. Maybe when the weather gets warmer and people are out more.
