Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Spring is almost here

As I've said many times, I don't mind rain or cold weather in Sacramento, but I really dislike excessive heat in summer.  Right now it is just beautiful, with trees and flowering bushes starting to bloom everywhere.  One thing that I notice on my walks around the neighborhood are the many fruit trees - tangerines, oranges, and grapefruit.  I've always wanted a tangerine tree in my yard, but I guess I won't ever have one at this point.

 The dog park is open today and I took Rocky over for a few minutes this morning and again this afternoon.  It's a shame that they didn't wait for another week of dry weather as a large patch of the ground is awful - wet and muddy - and there is no way to keep the dogs away from this large area.  

When I was walking a short while ago, a man in a truck slowed down and called to me, saying "What a beautiful dog - absolutely a gorgeous dog!"   That happens often enough but surprises me every time.

I went into my spare room this afternoon thinking I'd organize a few items from the desk and box them up for the move.  I ended up spending about 5 minutes in there and then just left the room and closed the door.  I wish I'd get a burst of energy and mental clarity, and be able to start the packing process, but so far I am paralyzed just thinking about it.

I fooled around with my computer today and was able to greatly brighten the screen and the contrast, but it seems to only applies to emails, my blog, etc., and not to web sites I visit such as news, youtube, and the like.  I really like the font I'm using on the blog, and hope no one finds it annoying.  I enlarged the font a bit, but the best part is that it leaves just a bit more space between the lines, which makes it easier for me to read.  I hope some of you out there find it easy as well.



  1. Downsizing from the House and then the apartment before we went Fulltime always started out started out stressful. What you have to do is focus on One Drawer or Box at a time. Looking at the entire thing as a whole is overwhelming. By refocusing you will be amazed how fast you will get things done.
    Be Safe and Enjoy being refocused.

    It's about time.

  2. Thanks for the encouragement. I think what is getting to me is the fact that I used to be so organized and able to take control of any situation. Now I can't, and it hurts.

    1. I am in the same situation and it gets worse, not day by day but hour to hour. Have mercy upon me! To think I was once known as "Martha Stewart of Pinecrest"! I think all the industriousness of the past put me in the physical and mental condition I am in today. I truly like your font, so easy to read. Hope you can get into gear soon - don't worry, be happy and it can happen.

    2. I guess we are lucky to live long enough for everything to start falling apart and failing!

  3. I enlarge (zoom) my fonts 150 percent. Makes everything easy for me to read.

    1. I love the larger font, but somehow I can't enlarge things like Google News. Any suggestions?

  4. The larger font and bold makes it much easier to read for me too. I think when you finall hear that the people are leaving on a set date you will get motivated.

    1. I think you are right, and then I will frantically trying to get everything packed!

  5. With my poor eyesight I welcome your large font and darker letters, thank you.

  6. I worked with a man with macular degeneration, he had a magnifying screen over his computer screen, is this something that might help you? Becki

    1. Yes, I have looked at all the things available for mac deg. sufferers, and just have to decide which products I need. The magnifying screen seems like it would be a real improvement. I'll let everyone know when I try it and other aids for mac degeneration.

  7. To enlarge any page I hold down Control as I press the Plus (+) key

    1. I had forgotten that one. Thanks for reminding me.

  8. I personally like the font you are using in your blog posts. It is quite big and easy to read so you can keep using it :)
