Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Wednesday, May 9, 2018


I'm sorry about my mistake in when to watch Jupiter - the article, which was posted on Monday, mentioned that Jupiter would be a spectacular sight all night long on Tuesday, which I took to mean last night.  Unless it was covered by a big cloud all night long, it wasn't visible to me!  Maybe next Tuesday.

My son Steve came by yesterday morning and did all the necessary switch & dial adjustments to run my swamp cooler.  I ran it yesterday afternoon, and Just now (at 3pm) turned it on.  Feels wonderful!  The outdoor temp is at 73 right now and shouldn't go past 80, so I'll probably be able to turn it off by 6pm or so.  I am worried about how hot it is going to get in the worst of the summer, when I probably will not be here and the house will be shut.

I got my new suitcase out and it is in my bedroom waiting for me to pack.  I've started gathering items and really am anxious to start packing them, but as soon as I do I'll have to get something out for some reason, so I'd be better off to just try to have some patience.

I'd better get something done so this day isn't a total waste.   See you tomorrow.


  1. It will look like a bright star. If you look through a pair of binoculars or a small telescope and a star gets bigger, it ain't a star but a planet. This doesn't apply to larger scopes.

  2. I've often seen Jupiter in the sky, but not the past few nights. Maybe they are hiding it behind Planet X! :-)

  3. I find that packing is the only part of travel that is a real pain:)

    1. I mostly enjoy it until I get down to the wire.
