Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Tuesday, December 8, 2020


 I rarely watch TV, but I do watch a lot of Youtube.  As anyone would know from youtube, if you watch a program they will steer you to more of the same, and in my case, I've been viewing a lot of historical videos about WW-II.  This morning I watched a video about a POW camp in Louisiana which housed German prisoners, and it looks like those prisoners were living at the Ritz for the most part!  They must have had a bit of a let-down when they were returned to their own bombed-out country.  Most of the programs I've seen have been sad and disheartening.  I don't know why any country would want to enter into war with another, or why other countries would take sides and join them.

I am always amazed that, born in November of 1940, I knew absolutely nothing about the war.  Of course there was no tv in those days, but most people had a radio and gathered around it for the evening news.  My parents must have put us kids to bed early or did something to keep the war news away from us.  I feel so stupid when I hear friends my age or a bit older, remembering being taken by their moms downtown for the big victory gathering in the main square ( in Cincinnati, it was Fountain Square).

I am dreading the arrival of Thursday as I am scheduled for yet another medical scan.  This one is the last one I'm going to endure, and I don't care what anyone tells me I should do.  It's no way to live, marking your days by medical tests you have scheduled.  And there is ALWAYS another test they can do so I have no doubt this one will indicate something they should take a further look at.  I will say a resounding "NO!"   Actually I am feeling ok these days, although I don't have much initiative to do anything.  I think that is more related to the virus and being isolated, rather than my health.

I guess we are on the countdown until Christmas, and I have not bought a thing for anyone yet!  I hope you are all doing better than I am in that regard.  

Have a good and safe week.


  1. I like to watch Johnny Carson and Carol Burnett on You Tube. Tim Conway is so funny. We watch funny things or live web cams all over the world. Too depressing on the news.

    1. There has never been an entertainer like Johnny Carson! I love the one that feature him holding animals. Johnny was such a good sport!

  2. I seldom watch news anymore. And most of the videos I watch are animals being goofy. We don't do much for Christmas any more. But Jim decorated our yard for me. If it weren't for him I wouldn't have anything out there.

    1. I like animal videos too, although I do watch news vids. I don't read a newspaper anymore, and don't want to lose track of what is going on, although it becomes too addictive and just gives me heartburn!

  3. I also don't watch much news, I'm sick of hearing about that moron still trying to say elections were rigged and his lawery buddy who had hair dye running down his face (at least that was funny) and who know has Covid. So I just try to catch the weather and then move on. But I like YT so many things to watch that will be fun and entertaining.

    1. It is so scary to think of the havoc he can wreak in the time he has left. It is also scary to know that such a large number of Americans support him.

    2. That is something I don’t understand at all. Are these people not thinking? All the lies he has told! Unbelievable 😩

  4. Throughout history dictators have appeared and you wonder what makes people take them I seriously. Evidently there has been a lot of anger and hatred boiling under the surface for many years - ever since the Civil Rights Act in the 1960's. All those people needed was for a leader to come along and tell them they were ok, and it was all the fault of "the other".
