Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Phone arrived

My phone arrived this afternoon and in trying to run the set-up, I've been in a loop that so far has run 3 different times.  After the 3 set-up attempts, the screen told me to "Charge the phone" so I needed to plug a cord into the wall and the other end into a dock, then place the phone into the dock.  They've added a step here - I used to only plug one end of the charger into the phone - the other end stayed in the socket.  This charging station has 3 separate pieces to hook up or connect.  Every move I made was intently watched by "The Destroyer", so I will need to be careful where I put all these pieces, devices, and above all, the phone.  Ironically, the phone is designed for seniors, who everyone knows, can barely read directions much less follow them.  So why are they adding a step to a simple charging routine?  And why am I in this loop where set-up is required, but ends with an error message to call the company because there is a problem.  I emailed the company explaining that my dog ate the battery to my old phone, so I can't call anyone until I can use my new phone, which requires a call to the company!

I should have died 15 years ago while I was still smart and could follow directions, although I was so intuitive then I rarely needed directions! 

Today I have pulled every piece of furniture in my living room away from the walls and cleaned thoroughly, hoping I would find the errant battery.   If only "The Destroyer" could talk, he might save me a lot of trouble and worry.  He's just nonchalantly chewing away on a bone, glancing at me every now and then.

Patience is all I need and I'll be as right as rain!



  1. Patience who? I never used to have to read dirctions either now I do and still can't understand what to do. Good luck

    1. And if you are simply replacing something you are familiar and comfortable with using, you can be sure that some 30 yr old has redesigned it and you will never figure it all out. I think anyone who works for Jitterbug should have to meet an age requirement of at least 70!

  2. If it makes you feel any better...I can't follow directions either :-(

    Have you tried using the "chat" function on Jitterbugs website so you do not have to call them?

    1. In looking through the User Guide (multiple times) I can only find phone numbers to call. What a joke - if you are having trouble with your cell phone, how are you going to call. You can't just run out to a pay phone these days!
