Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Enjoying family

I have had a very nice week just enjoying my family.  Ara drove up from PA and spent some time here on her way to a funeral in Rhode Island (one of her employees, a 25 yr old woman, was hit and killed by a car a few days ago).  Ara is looking very well since finding a doctor who diagnosed her Graves Disease and is treating it, and she looks and feels so much better now.

This morning Sandy and I drove Justin to his soccer game in Greenwood Lake, NY, a very small hamlet about 50 miles from NYC.  You would never know there are any large cities within miles - we drove through hills and valleys of beautiful countryside.  That is one of the things I love about this area.   Near Greenwood Lake is a small town that features a Rennaisance Festival coming up this summer and looks to be quite an extensive and large affair.   The people of this area are so friendly and welcoming.  I've never been to an event like that and don't know if it will be taking place while I'm here.

I've walked a mile and a quarter each day on Mike's treadmill since I've arrived and I think I'm feeling much better and my balance has improved a bit.  After mostly walking on a treadmill for the past few years I really don't like the pavement.  I'm sure that as I feel healthier and steadier, having my eye operation will set me back quite a bit.  I'll just have to grin and bear it, and start up again.

A mother deer walked through the backyard this morning with her very young fawn.  I love to see things like that.  Where I live in CA there really isn't much wildlife that I can see, although in some neighborhoods there are turkeys and geese walking around.

I hope you all are having as good a weekend as I am - no stress. 


  1. Rennaisance Festivals are so much fun! Nothing is mechanized so all you hear are voices and laughter. We loved the one in AZ. Hope you are able to attend.

    1. I hope I can go back but I sure wouldn't try to drive myself there. I do like the idea of non-mechanized though. Too bad they probably don't check phones at the gate.

  2. Sounds like you are having such a fantastic time. That is great to hear. Jim saw the Cosley sitting on the corner and knew what it was immediately. I had never heard of it before. Keep on having fun. No stress is definitely a good thing.

    1. I remember the Crosleys from my childhood. This has definitely been a no-stress week for me except for the boys fighting now and then. I know they enjoy it and I guess it gets rid of some of their "boy" energy.

  3. I am so glad you got to see Ara and that she is doing well now that she has finally been diagnosed. Though I am sorry to hear about her employee...to die at 25 years of age is a true tragedy.

    In Texas our Rennaisance Festivals do not take place until late October to early November...probably due to our heat.

    A stress free weekend is priceless, enjoy it!

    1. Thanks, Ms. B. I am totally relaxed by now and really enjoying myself.
