Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Another step completed

Just a small step, but we all know that every big job starts with a small step.  I've been complaining (not too much though) about needing the paneling replaced around one of my windows so we can finish the window installation.

Steve came by today with Quinn, and while we spent most of the time talking and catching up, we did go to Home Depot to get the paneling.  He had them cut it to the sizes he needs.  You can see on the photo below the water damage from a long ago leak.  It was like this when I moved in, and I hid it with a curtain.  Out of sight, out of mind, and there were more pressing things I had to take care of.

Though not quite as bad as the bottom of the window, a section of paneling on top also needs to be replaced.  As soon as the sections are in place then I can paint them with a coat of primer and one or two coats of yellow paint.  

You can see how close I am to the house next door, and it's the same way on the other side.  I get along fine with both neighbors.

I also bought nails and picture hanging items and want to hang some photos of the grandkids & their parents in my bedroom.  I have a big expanse of wall that has always needed something, and I can group the photos by family.  I've also asked Autumn to paint me a couple more small canvasses to go with the "Dream" she painted for Mother's Day.  I've been trying to think of words to go with Dream, such as Hope, Laugh, etc.  I would like to hang a group of three, and if anyone wants to suggest a word to accompany Dream, I'd be glad to hear your comments.

Now I need to get Jeannie to help me group and hang the pictures.  I can probably do it but it would look off kilter - at least anything I've done so far looks uneven to me but it could just be my vision.  More likely it's both vision and a poor job of picture hanging!

It is amazing how being with one of my kids, even for a short while, just brightens my day.  Last night Jeannie & I went out for an hour or so to a craft brewery/restaurant near her house.  We both just got an appetizer or soup and a pint of brew.  I had two crab cakes, which were pretty good, and we brought back a big container of french fries for Donald and the girls who were just sitting down to a supper of turkey burgers! 

Speaking of my kids, Joshua, my oldest (living) grandson is 11 today.  (Joe and Sarah had twins, a boy and a girl, and my grandson Owen lived for only about 7 months.  Reese was stillborn).   I think Owen would be a year and a half older than Joshua. 

I didn't know what I'd write today when I set out to do the blog, but here it is and I've droned on and on.  I'm wishing everyone a good week ahead.


  1. Mirage or fantasy come to my mind. Good luck picking nice names

    1. Thank you, and I will add them to my list.

  2. Your just like many of us ......always some kind of maintance to do either
    inside or out. We have lived here for years and at some point the big maintenance
    hits. This year it started with tree removal, tree replacement, new sidewalk
    because of root damage. Then all the sprinklers and valves needed replacing.
    This week refrigerator repair. It's just on going.... Lol
    Just grin and bear it I guess. Alittle griping seems to help! Haha

    1. I can't really complain when I think of all the years I took off across the country, meandering around and following the route my heart decided on. I could have bought two appliance for what I spent on gas for each trip! I don't regret my travels because now I will remember them for the rest of my life.

      Your woes sound like mine with the maintenance inside & out.

  3. Yes house repairs are never ending. This is what is keeping me home again this summer. I have this awful round tub in my bathroom that is just horrible, I don't know what it is made out of but it has yellow. It must go and it goes on n on.

    It's great that your family pitches in to do the work.

    1. I wish I could do my share but I just can't any more, so I'm at the mercy of when someone can come over and do the work. I try to not let it get me frustrated.

  4. Spending time with family can be very uplifting. Working on the house (for me) not so much:)

    1. I don't especially like working on the house, but when the kids are here doing most of the work I can enjoy it and being with them at the same time.

  5. My world too is always brighter when I'm with Carrie and Celia. Having a big family is so much work when it's happening but so wonderful later. We need another planet so there is room for everyone to have a big family. Wish you didn't have to live on Sac to be near them. Gratitude and joy come to mind.

    1. Having them is the much easier part; supporting them is more difficult, and I couldn't make it in these times where nearly everyone tries to give their kids way more than they had. But I do have great gratitude for my kids, and the entire family brings me joy.
