Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Sunday, September 16, 2018


I just answered a couple of comments from yesterday's post, and will write today's while I'm still sitting here.  I've had a puppy sleeping on my lap for a while and am about ready to get up and dressed before I go out and tackle cleaning the driveway!

Jeannie, Arianna, and I took Rocky to the vet yesterday, and he got his shot plus a couple of other tests.  The vet and her assistant loved him and spoiled him with treats.  I commented how I had taught him to sit, give me his paw, lie down, etc., so after a few minutes the vet tried it.  He performed like a champ, and I felt like a proud mother of a first grader who just recited the pledge of allegiance!  Whatta good boy!

This morning I brought my coffee into the living room and set it on the coffee table.  I had topped it with whipped cream since I am out of 1/2 & 1/2.  Before I knew it Rocky had his front paws on the table and his tongue into the whipped cream!  I took the cup and spooned the cream into his food bowl, then added more to top off my coffee!  He sure cleaned that bowl and got every last bit of cream.

I bought him several new toys yesterday, and I just wonder how long it will take him to destroy some of them.  He's working on a big thick rope right now and will soon rip enough of the cord to start the unraveling of it.

I'm having my first grocery order from BelAir delivered at 1pm today, so I'd better get showered and dressed.  Actually I first must check the house for anything a curious and clever puppy can get into!  Can't wait for the training class tomorrow, and I hope I'm not expecting too  much.  He's a quick learner, but he's also smart enough to learn how to bend the rules.  Come to think of it, I had 4 kids who were experts in the same tricks!

Speaking of tomorrow, I have to go back to the clinic in the morning to see if they can remove my stitches now.  I hope I don't have to listen to more whining about "why didn't they shave the area before stitching it".  


  1. See, you had your first major breakthrough by teaching him to sit. I would be a proud momma too!

    I would be curious to see how your grocery delivery goes. Do you have to pay a standard fee, are you required to tip them?

    1. There is a delivery fee of 6 or 7 dollars. I will probably tip the guy a small amount. It would be cheaper all around if I just went to the store, but I don't have the cost of a car, insurance, taxes & licensing, etc. That's how I justify it anyway.

    2. I forgot to mention that although I selected 1pm as the delivery time it's 2:30 and haven't been here yet. I am in no hurry althoughI thought I would give the driveway a good scrub today and I'm feeling lazier as time goes by. I don't want to start on that and then have to stop in the middle of it.

  2. Following up on your post yesterday - yes, the vaccine most likely is why he is feeling a bit moopey and quieter. Give him at least 1 week before taking him to the dog park - his little dog body needs to develop the immunity. I personally dislike dog parks. People and a lot of their dogs are rude, people aren't watching their dogs at all, the parks a breeding ground for parasites and diseases, and dogs can get hurt -- sometimes seriously -- by other dogs. If I were in your situation, I would wait until the "madding crowds" had vacated and take him in then when there are fewer dogs.
    Bravo! on teaching him to "sit" and shake paws. He is obviously eager to learn as evidenced by him sitting for the vet. Good job! Be forewarned that the 1st night of "puppy class" can be a chaotic nightmare! I used to teach beginning obedience and always dreaded that 1st night - all chaos from pups who don't know anything, running around on leashes with owners who don't know anything and everyone trying to tell the dogs what to do. I would work on 2 or 3 basic commands (sit/stay, come, down/stay) and then send everyone home to practice. By the 2nd class, it was so much better -- except for the people who did not practice during the week (and you knew right away who they were!). Walking on lead was usually 2nd class - after dog learned some control. But everyone teaches differently. Tell the instructor what is most important for you to have Rocky learn. Also, she might suggest a different collar or harness and leash for you to use. Some types give you way more control over his forward movement. Rocky is going to be a beautiful, big, and very strong boy -- and at our age, it's easy to suddenly be yanked off our feet when the dog lunges. I have Cavaliers that weigh 20lbs ea, and I am not nearly as slender as you are, and they still can pull me around if I let them.
    Hope you have a wonderful 1st training class. Will be so good for you...and ask questions!!! :) Can hardly wait for the report! Rocky will be the star, I am sure!

    1. Thank you for being so encouraging. I'm sort of dreading the excitement of all the dogs and people in close proximity. He almost rarely jumps on me but everyone else is fair game to him. I hope I get some suggestions on how to make him more manageable. My daughter will be going with me - he loves her like crazy, and she is the one who gets him to do what he's told - always by being positive and loving but not letting him get by with anything. I was just a few years older than she is now when I had my 1st lab and I really did well with him. The years have taken their toll on my energy and patience. After we brought him back from AZ she told me that if anything ever happened to me they would take care of him and give him a home. That's a lot to offer, because she always preferred small dogs and dogs are noisy, messy, and demanding a lot of the time.

      I need to work on the jumping on other people, as well as the command "Come", and if there is a way to stop or limit his barking then I will be a very happy camper.

      As for the dog park, I'm not going near it for a while, and when I do it will be during the hours when no one is there. He really wants to socialize with other dogs though he has to learn some manners before I allow him to interact.

      I know Rocky is very intelligent and learns quickly. As I mentioned previously, the key is that labs will sell their souls for a treat or two!

    2. Wonderful that your daughter is going to the class with you! Maybe she should take him into "the ring" while you sit and watch and listen and absorb... might be easier for you since I know I have a hard time now doing more than 1 thing at a time...and I think I'm a year younger than you! Food is the great motivator for my girls - who I have not been able to teach not to jump up to greet people in the 7 years they've been on this earth!
      Walking on a leash is the thing I worry about him with you most -- then the recall, then the barking. Don't give up!

    3. I guess when it gets right down to it food is what motivates most animals. Dogs are such con artists and get very good at acquiring food and treats. I often wonder and try to imagine what the first dogs were like - the wolves that decided they'd offer protection to early man in exchange for a warm fire to sleep by, and a share of the food. They no doubt snuggled up to the cave kids when they could!

      He is getting much better at walking on leash except I haven't been able to keep him to one side or another. He's going to kill me one day if he keeps crossing over in front or in back of me!

    4. Just yesterday my two 3 Pounders wrapped me up to a fare-the-well. I was stopped on the spot. My advice - walk very slowly. We don't need any more injuries! Oh, I so miss the beautiful puppies here 2 years ago - memories are a happy gift; a touch envious of you. Rocky will be fine; let him live out his puppy urges while knowing he's so loved and he will become your Champion. Family's Lab,Sara,is such a perfect creature too.

  3. In regard to my grocery order, it never came. I looked at what I submitted and evidently I didn't complete it entirely. It is a new program and a new website, and while it was easy to use and to find the products I wanted, and there are probably hundreds if not thousands in the various categories of the store, the checkout process is what got to me. I emailed them to let them know that if they want customers who are beyond a "certain age", or who have any visual impairment, they need to tweak their site. I think once I got all the credit card and delivery info entered it would be fairly smooth from them on, but I want them to think of their customers - yes, maybe most are busy working men and women who don't have time to shop, while many are probably like me with all the time in the world to shop but either limited by transportation, visual or physical impairment, etc. I am so disappointed but then I really never thought I'd want to order groceries online to begin with. Then I talked myself into trying it and look where it got me - a wasted afternoon sitting at home waiting for the delivery that never arrived!

    1. I am sorry the delivery never materialized but at least you let them know about their website. Being that this is a new service I think they will definitively take your comments into consideration.

      I would like to use the HEB home delivery or at least their curbside service. It is new and on certain days it is also free. Maybe I will give it a try.

    2. I can't decide whether to try again or not. I haven't heard back from them.

  4. Well good on Rocky for sitting at the Vet. I think you are doing well with the training on your own. Lets see how the class works for you both.

    To bad about the grocery delivery was hoping to hear good things. I'm with you not everyone is young and computer literate. Sometimes I feel like screaming trying to figure things out that must be a snap for others.

    1. I think the problems were mostly mind. I hit "Place order" and figured that was it. It turns out you have to enter a credit or debit card number to pay. I just figured out I could pay cash, but I can see that it is better for the store to not deal in cash, for security and safety reasons for the driver.

  5. I personally think Mr. Rocky has made amazing progress already with you. I don't think he'll have any trouble learning the heel and no jump commands. Just takes a little time and patience. The barking - I have no idea since our Rocky still barks constantly when we are gone somewhere. But he's old and that makes a big difference. Excited to hear about the class and what you learn.

    I've been thinking about the grocery thing. Kroger (back in AZ) offers a service where they do the shopping and then you just drive to the store and pick it up. Since Jim does most of the shopping now - while I stay home with Rocky and Skitz, that would work because he doesn't like to shop. Maybe we'll try it when we get back.

    1. I might try it again some time, when I don't have other plans for the day. It would be a real convenience to me.
