Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Monday, February 12, 2018

Too Good to Last!

Did I really think I'd come through this ordeal without any pain or discomfort?  While it isn't too awful, I sure don't feel good enough to hold my head up, but I know if I sleep all day I will be awake all night.

I can't say I'm in pain but I sure don't feel as good as I did last week!

I don't know if it will get worse or better, but if you don't hear from me for a couple of days you will know why.  I only have two more treatments to go, so it won't be anything I can't tolerate.  And my appetite still works!


  1. You only have two more treatments. I am sure you will get through those in good shape and then you can recuperate from the treatments. So sorry you have to go through all that.

    1. thanks, Diz. I've really had a rough day, which probably seems worse since I haven't had many noticeable side effects before now, and they are making me feel like a wet dishrag!

  2. A good appetite is a great sign:) Hang in there!

  3. It will pass, but for now, take it easy and sleep when you feel like it. Eat as healthily as you can as well. If you can take little walks, that helps too, but pamper yourself with those naps.

    1. I slept pretty well last night after dozing all day long, and feel a lot better this morning. I'm glad I'm not on months of this treatment!

  4. Just nap. Your body needs it. Blood test will show if you can have another treatment or wait a week. Your white blood count might be low.

    1. I feel much better today, so I guess I needed a "do-nothing" day to nap whenever I had to. Only 2 more treatments to go - I can take it!

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