Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Thursday, March 14, 2013

No Patience for Waiting

I really try but have difficulty waiting for something I want.  I am not a person who is always wanting things or desiring more than I need, but when I order something I want it to be delivered quickly.  That's why I really don't like doing business online and will avoid it when possible.

I ordered the Jitterbug cell phone earlier this week, and I wouldn't care if they took 2 weeks to get it to me, except that my current cell phone, as well as the number I want to port to my new phone, will expire sometime tomorrow or Saturday.  I'm not sure if I can retain the number after the expiration of service, even by a few hours.  These kinds of situations make me impatient and annoyed.  I did explain to the sales tech on the phone my problem with timing, and he assured me I could submit the order and get the phone before time ran out on my Tracfone.  I probably shouldn't have believed it.

Spam:  I'm starting to get a lot of it on my blog comments as well as in email form.  I even got a phone call today supposedly from the DMV, but when they told me I was on record for over-paying my car insurance I hung up.  I don't deal with the CA DMV because I don't have a vehicle registered here in this state.  Does anyone really believe those stories the telemarketers can come up with?

Today was another beautiful day and I got a load of wash on the clothesline.  It has dried, been taken down and folded, and is sitting in the laundry basket filling the room with the aromatic scent of sun and fresh air dried clothes.  I almost hate to put the stuff away.

I pulled more grass and weeds today, and ran out of the vinegar/salt mixture I'm spraying to try to prevent new growth springing up.  I really hate to use commercial weed control products unless it becomes necessary.  I went over to K-Mart, just a couple of blocks from here, and couldn't find any vinegar, in their limited food section or anywhere else.  That store should just close up and give up.  Maybe it's just the local one that never has what I want.  I didn't feel like driving further so I just came home and will pick up more vinegar and salt the next time I'm in a grocery. 

I really should hire a lawn service to take up all the gravel and put down new plastic sheeting, and new gravel.  That will be costly though, and I'd rather spend my money on travel until I can't travel any more - then I will stay at home and have things done on the house.  

I must sound like a broken record, but is tomorrow really Friday already?  


  1. Buy another track phone and cancel the new one and give the reason that it didn't get there when promised.

  2. Since I blocked 'Anonymous' on my comment section last summer I have been basically spam free. I'm so far behind on all that cell phone stuff that if someone handed me one I wouldn't know which end to talk into or how to turn it on or off. I do understand the logic & common sense of having one though. Good luck with all those weeds. Darned things!!

  3. Why is it that weeds grow where a flower wouldn't dare. Maybe the phone will show up tomorrow I hope so.

  4. Does the vinegar/salt work right away or does it take a week. How much salt do you use?

  5. I too blocked anonymous and now don't get spam. I figure if someone real wants to comment they can leave their name or send me an email.

  6. Yup, I blocked all anonymous comments and also moderate on mine. Some nasty ones try to get through, but into the spam can they go!

    Karen and Steve
    The USA Is Our Big Backyard

  7. The trouble with salesmen is that they will tell you anything to get your order:(
