Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Sunday, October 3, 2010


I just signed over the title to the Hitchhiker 5th wheel, and picked up my check. I'm relieved, and I hope the new owners are pleased with what they're getting - a spacious RV that is comfortable for full-time living. It is a couple that bought it, so maybe between the two of them they can manage it better than I could. I feel great about it!
Now, the question is, do I buy something to replace it, or do I wait until my next visit to the eye surgeon?

I will have to take care of business tomorrow, cancelling insurance and sending the check to my bank, etc., but maybe I can get my camping stuff together. The big problem is how cold it will get at night in the tent. Maybe I should use my backpacking tent which has a full-coverage fly, and would be warmer than the dome tent I have been using. I don't worry about being cold once I'm in the down sleeping bag, but the dog might be uncomfortable.

I am so relieved I just don't know what to do next for now. I need to figure out an interim header picture for this blog for one thing.


  1. Congratulations, Gypsy! That's wonderful news. That opens up a bunch of possibilities for you. Cheers!!!

  2. Congratulations, Gypsy! I'm glad it sold! Take some time and think about what you're going to do next.

  3. Congratulations, Gypsy! Great news! Take a few days to relax and enjoy this success instead of thinking up new things to worry about!!

    This is great, it's what you wanted and now you have all kinds of new options available to consider. Celebrate a little!

  4. Congratulations!! :) I am so happy for you that your fiver has finally been sold. Now you can really start planning for what you are going to use for your next adventures. :)

  5. Way to go Gypsy!! So glad for you!!! I thought someone would come along and want it. Now you can plan, plan, plan. Do I see New York in your future??

  6. Congratulations, Gypsy!!!!! Now the door is open for your new adventures!

  7. YAY!!!! So glad for you Gypsy!
    ...and keeping my fingers crossed that your next eye appointment is a happy one.
    - Mary Ann

  8. Great news Gypsy... I am so happy for you. Big relief!
    I would take my time and see the eye dr first, if it were me.
    Good luck with your decision.

  9. Congratulations, Gypsy! The doors are now open and ready for you to start exploring. Many opportunities await.


  10. Congratulations on your sale. I am sure the new owners appreciate how well you took care of it and they will enjoy it as much as you did.

    I wonder if you would consider one of those RV vans, kinda like George & Tioga. Good luck in your search. I am glad you still have that camping fever!

  11. Congrats on the 5ver sale for sure. I am with a few other commenters & think you should step back, take a deep breath, check with your eye Doc & give yourself some time to let the dust settle from the sale. You are a far braver soul than me for sleeping in a tent. Brrrrrr!! But then again, you are an experienced tenter from way back. I am an experienced softy from way back:))

  12. WOW, you must be so happy. That must be a big load off your mind. I hope you will find the right type of camping equipment that you can handle nicely. Take your time to find it.

  13. WooHoo! Congratulations, Gypsy. At least this headache is behind you. Big decisions now, that's for sure. Take your time and think about all of the many possibiliies open to you now.


  14. Hip Hip Hoorah!! It's about time you had some good news. How exciting for you. I'm sure your head is spinning with all the possibilities open to you now. If I'm stuck much longer in Boise, maybe I'll see you on the road. :)

  15. And Congratulations from me, too! Isn't it amazing what a difference one day can make?
    I can't wait to see what you do, and if you get another RV, what it will be.

  16. I'm so happy for you. What wonderful, wonderful news. And I agree - take a couple of days to relax and enjoy not having that burden. Then do what you want to do. ENJOY

  17. Congratulations, Gypsy. I know that you are absolutely thrilled that that weight is lifted. Just take your time with your decision. There's no hurry and you'll make the right one.

  18. I'm sooooo happy for you!!! I'm jumping for joy. That frees you up to do whatever you want to. I can't wait to see which direction you'll go.

  19. It's a gonner! Congratulations!!!!

  20. Bravo on the sale! Instead of a tent, why not a topper or camper on the back of that truck of yours? It would get both of you out of the cold and off the ground, not to mention out of the wet. And, I am just wuss enough to want solid walls around me when I sleep.

  21. http://www.sportzbynapier.com/
    I have worn out three of these. A lot cheaper than a camper shell. I could still drive the truck around the campground with it popped up. My top speed with it up was only about 30 mph. Purchase through Campmor.

  22. Congratulations! If it is what you wanted. Now you can look for a smaller rig.

  23. Good news!! I know you must be relieved. Take your time now...thinking about what you would like to do now. I'm so happy for you Gypsy!!

  24. Great that you have that heavy weight off your shoulders. Now to see what the next adventures you will have!

    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

  25. WTG finally--my suggestion is to hold off until you really know what you want to do...there are so MANY ways to go. IF I were gonna spend anytime at all in a tent I would want one that I dont have to get on my hands n knees and crawl into..but could walk in and use a cot for sleeping up off the ground--like an army tent!

  26. Sighing with relief for you! A new door is opening for you, Gypsy! :)

  27. Congratulations! I am a bit late, but have not had much internet access the last four or five days.
