Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

More trouble

I am getting a little worried about my hand. You may remember that I complained about my hand hurting when I turned the ignition in my truck. This morning I was emptying waste tanks and running in and out of the rig. At one point I opened the door to the 5ver and nearly fell over with the pain in my hand. The large joint just below my index finger is what is affected, and I just took two ibuprofen so I will see if that helps. I've been setting the Mac on a small table in front of the couch, so maybe the angle is not helping. My right hand, of all things!

Earlier this morning I went out to close the grey water valve so as to collect the shower water to rinse out the hose after emptying the tanks. The valve came loose and I thought it was broken, so up to the office I went to see Rex. He came by soon after and got it back in place, but said if it happened again I might have to replace the valve. It was one year ago that he fixed the galley tank valve, and wouldn't charge me for fixing it either time. I will miss him when I'm gone from here!

I need to run some errands but am afraid I won't be able to start my truck. I should see if I can reach my left hand over to do it, but more likely this is an indication I should stay home and stay off the computer for a while. Other than my hand, I feel great and I feel energetic!

I called a local locksmith from Black Mountain that I had used in the past, and he came out very soon after to fix some locks for me. The good folks at Nu Wa in Chanute had removed the entire lock from the front storage bay leaving a little round empty hole, but fortunately the former owner of my rig had left me a bunch of spare locks and keys and I had just the part needed, so now I can lock the storage bay. He also replaced a lock on the door to the living area which had been giving me trouble, especially with my problem hand. Then he fixed a problem with the lock on the kitchen door. All this for a very reasonable amount, I might add. If you are ever in or near Asheville/Swannanoa/Black Mountain, NC and need a locksmith, I highly recommend Steve Fox of "Fox on the Run Lock & Key". He's a good locksmith and a good person.


  1. your pain when turning something....the key in the ignition for instance...sounds like a "repetative (sp?) motion injury.. it cause inflamation in joints that are infected. Changing how you use your keyboard may help. As will resting and stretching exercizes. I myself am feeling similar pain...I know I'm on my laptop too much. Keep me posted won't you? Take care..((hugs))

  2. Hopefully a little rest for that hand will do the trick. It sure is good to hear that you have some good people around to help you out when you need it.You take care of yourself and hugs from me and Netters....


  3. Sounds like a classic case of Mac-itus. New Mac owners are so happy to be on their new trouble free Macs that they can't get off until they injure themselves. I don't like pain so will never end up owning a Mac.....thus, pain free computing for me. When the locksmith was there you should have had him look at your hand & maybe he could have locked out some of that pain. On the serious side....take care Gypsy & look after yourself:))

  4. What Al said!

    And, while you're there in Asheville, maybe you ought to check in with good doctor and have it looked at.

    We're just 66 miles north of you. Can you see us wave?

    Take care!
