I got an early start this morning and first made a stop at Target - bought a scale which is smaller than the digital models, and is analog. I prefer the analog to tell the truth - I always had difficulty in certain light deciphering the readout on my old scale, which I never found, by the way. To make it even better, this one is 1/3 the price of the cheapest digital scale. But I don't care for the results of the weigh-in as I am 17# lighter than I was about 20 years ago, when I looked and felt healthy. I can't figure out why I've lost all that weight without trying, but I sure don't want to undergo a lot of tests.
I went to the storage place and consolidated a few boxes, packed a couple boxes to give to Goodwill, and then moved the rest into the new space. This is what I have in storage now, and as you can see it doesn't amount to all that much. And now that I think about it, there are more items in some of those boxes, glassware for example, that I should give to Kiwanis or Goodwill. When I leave the fulltiming RV life I can always buy glassware. What was I thinking of! Now I haven't a clue which box the glassware is in.
In case you wonder, the scratched up old rocking chair was given to me by my husband when our 2nd child was born. All four children were rocked in that chair, and a destructive puppy we had chewed on the rungs of the rocker, but it was and still is a beautiful piece of furniture to me. Nevertheless I would have gotten rid of it when I began fulltiming, but when talking to one of my sons about selling my furniture he nearly shouted "You're not getting rid of the rocking chair?" Not that any of my kids wants it or has room for it, but of course, I had to keep it. I just informed my granddaughter, who is more sentimental than I am, that it is hers when she has a place to keep it. She absolutely adored her "Papa", and just knowing he bought it when her mother was born was all she needed to hear. To tell you how sentimental she is, she also wants an old Tiffany style swag lamp that my Mom (her great-grandmother) bought back in the 70's. I have an old breadboard that was made by my great grandfather for his bride when they were married back in the 1880's, and of course, Ara gets that as well whether she knows it or not.
After the storage switch was finished, I went to the laundromat near the Park. I knew the minute I walked into the place that it was a bad idea to do laundry on a Saturday afternoon, but I had the basket of laundry in the truck, and I was parked right in front of the door. Lots of people in there and someone had spilled a soft drink on the floor, which was then tracked throughout the place. I got my two loads of wash done and outta there. I have to say the folks who were using the laundromat were pleasant, friendly, and helpful, so it was ok in the long run.
Now, for all my hard work today, I am going to walk over to the restaurant adjacent to the Park and have an early dinner. And then early to bed, so I can go back to Target early tomorrow to return a couple of items I bought on a whim this morning.
That is a beautiful rocking chair and I'm certain Ara will be taking great care of it in a few years. You did real well in cleaning out the storage unit. You can be proud of you hard work. Enjoy dinner. (you probably already have by now)
ReplyDeleteItasca is a Winnebago brand, so the the Navion and the View are essentially the same thing, unless you're talking about the Navion IQ, which we have. The IQ doesn't have the cab-over bed and doesn't have a slide. It's a little too small for full-timing, at least for the two of us, though it would probably be just fine for one person.
ReplyDeleteWe tow a small car behind us and, when we get to a campground, it's a quick disconnect and then I can back the motorhome into the campsite. It's certainly much easier.
Mike Goad
currently at home in Arkansas working a contract job.
Haw Creek Out 'n About
Good job Gypsy!!! And...I can totally relate to your grandaughter's desire for and love of precious family items. So far only one of my children expresses and interest in family items I have..although none of the children seem much interested in the genealogy research I've done. I believe in later years it will be quite a bit to them though..so I'm preserving it! My grandson b. July 2007 slept (for a short time...you know how fast they grow) in the cradle his father b. Feb 1970 slept in for awhile as an infant!! bye for now ((hugs))