Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Tomorrow is July!

It's hard to believe that half the year is over.  We've had some very nice weather lately, but it's sure to get hotter and more uncomfortable.

Jeannie and I shopped at Target and Costco yesterday, and of course I always bring a treat or two home for Rocky.  He's so good about going into his crate when I leave, which I don't do very often, but he seems to be maturing a lot lately.  Here are a couple of photos of Rocky with his new basketball (small size, as you can see).  Now I need a hoop, and might just get one soon so when the kids come over they can play  basketball with him.

I think maybe he is trying to play soccer with the ball. 

My garden is coming along nicely, but I'm impatient and want to see some squash and zucchini on the plants!  I picked several cherry tomatos and a couple of regular sized ones yesterday, and they are so tasty.

I've decided to turn on the a/c now (at 12:30pm).  I really can do without it except for a few hours in late afternoon, but I may as well get it going and cooled down rather than have it use the electricity to cool a very warm house.

See you later, and  have a good week ahead.


  1. He is such a pretty boy. And all that working with him has paid off. We're at 108 right now so our air has been running for quite awhile

    1. I think we are approaching 90, but it's too hot for me.

      I think Rocky is doing so much better and seems to have turned over a new leaf in his mental development - well, mostly!

  2. Rocky is a beauty nice shiny coat.
    It sure is hot like Sandie said.
    I haven't had a fresh home grown tomato in years can't beat the taste

    1. I haven't had a tomato from a backyard garden in years either. The tomato was warm from the sun and the flavor is simply delicious.

  3. To think that in six months we will be ringing in a New Year is almost mind-boggling to me. Rocky is such a pretty dog and now that he has a backyard for himself he can release all his pent up energy.

    May you have a great weekend as well.

  4. Now that it's getting hot again Rocky sometimes prefers to stay in the house. I still take him for walks so he can check out the neighborhood, but the traffic around here is really dangerous. The neighborhood is strictly residential but the cars don't drive like it is - even speed bumps don't slow them dklwn. So the backyard is a blessing and he likes it when I throw a ball form the deck and he chases it and brings it back.
