Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Good things happening

Nothing like winning a lottery, or even anything most folks would think twice about, but good things are happening to me. Following on yesterday's electric bill of $13+ for March, I picked up two refills at Costco this morning. My blood pressure med usually costs me about $.84 for a 90 days supply, but this morning it was a whopping $.12. That is for 45 pills that I cut in half, which makes a 90 day supply. The other prescription was in the neighborhood of $54 last month, but I can't find my receipt for it. Today's refill was under $23. Every little bit counts when you are embarking on a long trip.

I also took my Highlander for an oil change, which was 1000 miles before a change was due, but I want everything to be OK before I leave.

I would like to post some more TDY pictures, if you can stand it.

The first picture is from a trip to Jacksonville, FL in Dec. 1985, and was taken on a little side trip to St. Augustine and the Fountain of Youth. I could just see the years fade away!

The next few pictures are from a trip to Wilmington, NC in June 1987, with a side trip to Cape Fear.

I don't know enough about ships to tell you what this is, but I think it is named the USS North Carolina or something similar. The woman in the picture is one of the team members.

And here I am:

In January 1988 I attended a class at Ft. Lee, Virginia, and this was my "classroom".

I managed to get in a side trip to Colonial Williamsburg, and spent some time in the stocks, and then another day to Washington, DC.

Tomorrow or the next day I might continue with Ireland, or a TDY trip to the Northeast, and Boston, Cape Cod, Vermont, etc. Or not.


  1. Again... wow. what a life! You had four babies and still that slim and fit! not fair.

  2. I spent about three years working a contract job at G.E. Nuclear at Wilmington, NC. A nice area with lots to do.

  3. You are definitely right - every little bit helps. And I am thoroughly enjoying your trip down memory lane.

  4. NO WONDER YOU LOOK SO YOUNG!!!! You drank from the Fountain of Youth, of course!

    Karen and Steve
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

  5. That was a busy time at the end of your trip. Washington DC isn't that close to Williamsburg VA. They do look lovely in the snow tho', as do you!

    I know you didn't ask for a vote, but if we were to vote my first pick is Ireland - but they are all sure to be special. :)

