Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Camera found, 2nd post 1/19/2012

I found my camera and in response to a couple of inquiries took a shot of the new shoes. The beautiful socks were handmade by Karen, and you can check her blog to find info on ordering the beautiful products she makes.

Now I need to go someplace I can wear the shoes, although I wouldn't go out wearing them in the rain we are likely to have for a while.


  1. I like your socks. That's the kind I have been knitting for a few years. I really enjoy it.

  2. Nice looking shoes, and really cute socks! :)

  3. The worst part of this Pneuropathy in my feet it I have stopped wearing socks since the pressure of them makes the nerves hurt worse. I can't wait to see if I ever get a prescription that will cut this out, ever go out in 16 degree weather without socks. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna..

  4. Your Heflingers look like the Stedman's I bought years ago and still wear and love. Cork soles??

    I have a friend who knits me gorgeous sox. I just love them. Yours are beUtiful!!

  5. It's too bad the shoes don't match each other. :)

  6. Love your new shoes..I need a pair of birks.. I also have a pair of socks from Karen and love them.

  7. Have the same problem with my feet too, S&D, take neurontin.
    LOVE the socks,,look so warm.
