Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Busy morning

I dropped Lady off this morning, and asked the vet to check her front left paw. When she was out for her morning walk she took off at a sprint, and either hurt her paw or her leg bone. The vet couldn't find anything wrong with the paw, and while he had her on the table (and muzzled) he cut her nails. It only took one assistant to hold her, and she was the best I've ever seen her while getting clipped. Not that she liked it, or that she didn't try to squirm off the table a couple of times.

I spoke with the vet about her arthritis and ended up buying a product called Dasuquin. The stuff I've been giving her, which I usually get at Target, hasn't seemed to be much relief, so I will try this new (and very expensive product). After reading a comment from Penny to my blog yesterday, I have also decided to add some wet food to her diet. She will certainly love that! I also need to reduce her dry food intake to try to slim her down some. I didn't realize how overweight she was getting to be, and that has to contribute to the pain and stiffness in her joints.

I then stopped at the local AAA office and found they actually do the classic manual Triptik. I ordered my last one from the Sioux Falls, SD office, and there are hardly any AAA offices left that do that kind. The computer version is absolutely useless to me as it is too small for me to read, and it doesn't give even half the detail that the old one does. I waited while the agent prepared one for me for travel back to NY, and also requested some extra pages for keeping track of mileage, expenses, etc.

Then it was on to Earth Fare, the organic supermarket I used to patronize. Unfortunately I couldn't buy much since I don't have either the space to carry it or the refrigeration. I did get some bioflavenoid capsules that are difficult to find - they reduce the bruising that accompanies daily aspirin intake.

I stopped at a UPS Store to see if it would be possible to ship the rocking chair via UPS. Right now it is wedged into the back of my SUV and takes up way too much space. The UPS man explained why it would probably be best for me to just transport it as I have it right now. I'm beginning to wonder about the wisdom of keeping it, and if I hadn't already told my granddaughter I was bringing it back for her I would probably drop it off at Goodwill.

A few other quick stops were on my agenda, and I was back at the motel by Noon. I will have plenty of time for a nap before I need to retrieve Lady. I should have a relaxing morning tomorrow since I'm not boarding her and will just leave her here in A/C comfort. Maybe I'll go back to Huddle House for breakfast - I've only eaten there twice since I've been here.

Driving around Asheville makes me remember why I love it here. It was my favorite of any place I've lived, but of course the places lived while raising my children are dear to me in a different way. Asheville represents the best of anywhere - beautiful scenery, excellent traffic conditions, civilized, friendly and polite people who act like they are genuinely interested in you, and many more wonderful things. I'd move back here in a heartbeat if I was a few years younger, but even though I want to live on my own, I want to be near family in case of an emergency. I guess that's how you know you are getting old - when you worry about emergencies.

My camera needs new or recharged batteries, and I left the charger back in NY. I have been unhappy with it the past few times I've used it, so I might just buy a new charger while I'm here.

I hope you all are able to find some relief from the heat. It hasn't been too bad here, but much hotter than I prefer. I wonder what winter will be like.


  1. Our heat over the July 4 week was pretty high fot this part of California, but we're only getting into the low 80's these days. Hope Lady's leg is OK!

  2. I looked up the Dasuquin (Glucosmine), and that is expensive stuff, even on eBay. I see it comes in chews, too, that would be easiest way to administer it, I expect. I surely do hope that it helps her.
    Petco has the cat treats with Glucosamine in them for my arthritic Bobcat, and they do help. I thought they were expensive until I saw how much the cat Dasuquin is.

    The Triptiks seem to be a great idea.
    I am sure your granddaughter will love the chair.
    It is hot here, too, hotter than normal. But in a few months we will be complaining about the cold.
    Happy Trails, and Trails, Penny, TX

  3. What is so great about Huddle House? We have one here in Cleburne but I have never eaten there.
    Hope your dog's foot is OK.

  4. I haven't heard of a Huddle House in ages... used to love them .. great coffee, potatoes and eggs... old fashioned atmosphere ... diner.

    Sorry about Lady... and how do you get your blog header picture so large! Mine comes out small and I tell it to post large! must be a special code or something ... I'm new at this.

    I'm from your WGS group if you can't place me ;) Been reading your blog for a long time....

  5. I bet it made your day when you found a AAA that makes trip ticks the way you like! :)

  6. I'm glad I finally bought a camera that plugs into the wall itself to charge. The charge on it lasts so much longer. My other ones used the batteries and wouldn't even last a whole day without new batteries. Hope the medicine works for Lady. Stay cool.
