Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Getting older

I haven't had much to write about the past few days. I finished the only Christmas shopping I will be doing, and that is for my grandchildren. My Christmas present to my children is that as a retired old lady, I can live by myself and not be dependent on any of them for support. I do need and rely on them for many things however, and I'm so grateful they are always there for me.

I've been a little concerned that my blood pressure is up lately although the bp cuff I've been using to check daily shows it to be normal. But there are usually little insignificant things that should tell us when something isn't normal, especially when you put all the little things together. Yesterday I shopped at Raley's and used the bp machine back in the pharmacy. I nearly fell over when I saw the readout, but when I checked again later at home it was normal. I decided to go back again this morning, and sure enough it is high. I had so hoped I could quit taking the medicine as it has been so nice to just get up a couple times during the night rather than hourly. I know there are other prescription drugs for high blood pressure, but so many of them have other side effects that require yet another prescription. The only side effect I get from the HCTZ is running to the bathroom constantly. I started taking my daily 12.5mg a day, and I'll just have to put up with the negative side of it.

I've mellowed out over the years, and lord knows I've gotten wiser! But getting old is still hell, when you have a mind that is still on the young and daring side but the body just won't go there.


  1. Do you still do a lot of walking with your dog? We have always found that to help our pressure more than anything else we do. Of course, you have been through a lot in the last few weeks, so maybe when you start feeling less pain, the pressure will ease up a bit.

  2. I have never had good luck using one of those blood pressure thingys at the drug store. Try going to a Minor Emergency clinic, some will do it for free. You might call first. Taking your own with a cuff would also be hard, I have an automatic one, I think they all just "stress"you out and there by raising your pressure!
    You are right, getting old is Hell! Who ever said life after 50 was the golden years should be shot!

  3. I think your pain is causing your blood pressure to go up. But I think you might want to get a new reader at home. Or have the nurse check you and then compare that with your one at home or the one at the store. My doctor actually has me cut my blood pressure pill in half and that is working good for me. However, I still have to get up once during the night.

  4. My husband always says - Getting old is not for wimps.

  5. I know exactly how you feel! Mine has been up as well a bit, not dangerously so, but since I'm not walking daily I can see a definite increase.

    Take care and Merry Christmas!

  6. I would not rely on drug store or any other store BP machine. They are famous for not being accurate. Take yours to the doc's office and compare readings in his office. If the same, you are good to go. If not get a new home one. I have manual one and an automatic wrist one. They work great and match the one in the Doc's office.

    That way you will not worry about bad readings in a store.

  7. To quote, Bette Davis "Getting old ain't for sissies!" And there are times I don't think I am not up to the challenge!

    Taking your blood pressure cuff with you to the doctor and find out if it is accurate is a good idea.

  8. Your readers all have good advice. Don't trust the one at the store, but do take yours to your docs to compare with his.

    Walking briskly is good and try some vitimen B6. It works like a minor diuretic and seems to help a lot of peoples lower their blood pressure.

  9. Yep, I know what you mean by this aging stuff. I am not impressed with it at all!!

  10. I agree with the above comments about the drug store bp machines, I have yet to find one that has been accurate for me. I think taking your machine to the Dr.s is a good idea.

  11. Getting old may be hell, but it sure beats the alternative! :)

  12. Take care of yourself, big sister! Little Brother Steve

  13. The aging thing isn't fun. It's best to do it with a good friend, then you can laugh together about all the silly things that are happening to your bodies. You have lots of friends here to laugh along with you.

    Wishing you a Merry Christmas and hope you feel good soon!

  14. You can't depend on the store's BP machine. Take yours into the Dr and have the reading done with both theirs and yours. Ours was real high at the store, but normal at home.

    Getting old isn't for whimps. I feel like that too, young at heart but can't do what I THINK I can. Hang in there.
