I dashed over to the local farmer's market this morning and was probably back home half an hour later. I knew what I was looking for, but sometimes you see the beautiful produce and end up with more than you planned. There were some baby beets that looked appealing, and I'm cooking them right now. I picked up some grapes and strawberries for the next few breakfasts, so I will look forward to getting up in the morning. More corn, little red potatos and a couple kinds of onions rounded out my purchases.
Lady is limping this morning and I'm not sure why. There is nothing that I can see that would make her do that except her nails are probably a little too long. She fights having them trimmed and it takes at least three people to hold her down while the 4th person trims them, so I put off having it done. For being such a sweet dog most of the time, she is a real PITA when it comes to seeing a vet or a groomer. I always have her muzzled which adds to her stress, but I don't trust that she wouldn't snap at someone in her state of panic.
I just finished peeling and slicing the cooked beets, and added a little butter, salt & pepper and they are delicious! My rosy fingers look like Autumn has gotten to me with her markers though. Most of it washed off, but not all.
I want to specifically thank two of my readers for coming to my assistance with stitching my photos together yesterday to make a panoramic view.
Rick sent this composite:

Another reader, Sean, sent this one:

You guys are brilliant, and I still can't figure out how to do it myself. I tried with Hugin, a program that was downloaded for the Mac, and I was able to get everything in the order I wanted it, but couldn't figure out how to place some kind of "points". I will have to try again when I am in a state of mind to fool with it. I may end up buying a disposable panoramic camera for my next trip!
And another reader, Pidge, sent me a pano that she had taken and stitched together herself. I admire folks who can do this kind of thing easily.
I don't know whether to be sad about it or not, but in my younger years I could do anything I tried to do. From the early to mid 1980's and for the next 10 years, I was the person the others came to with computer hardware and software problems. I even came up with a fix one time that a perplexed IT person came to discuss with me - I can't remember anything about it except that the answer was pure logic, and he was stunned. What happened after those golden days and years?
I think when I retired I began to let go of all the things in which I strove so hard for excellence, and decided to devote my time and attention and brain power on things I was interested in and that made me happy: how to set up a tent; map reading and orienteering; all forms of travel and immersing myself in other cultures; spiritual quests (no, not religious or religion); and a lot of other things right up to learning how to be a full time RVer. I think I met my match on the last one and tried my best, although I believe I am as good at full time living in an RV as anyone else, I just can't deal (or don't want to deal) with the maintenance. (Hitching a 5th wheel was never on my list of things to excel in, but just something I had to do and never cared for.)
So where am I going with this? I think the answer just came to me: save yourself the aggravation, Marty, and buy a disposable camera that takes panoramic pictures! I'd say that is the best solution for me, all the way around.
My granddaughter has a friend from college who is from Philadelphia and visiting California for the first time. She brought him by to meet me this afternoon, and I like him very much. He is the kind of person you can converse with easily from the time you are introduced, and he looks you straight in the eye. They are leaving for Yosemite tomorrow for several days of camping and hiking. Oh, to be young again and be able to do that. I had planned to give her the tent and sleeping pads, and ended up adding my whistle and Swiss Army knife to the lot. No one should go out into the outdoors without a whistle, and a pocket knife can come in handy as well. I've already supplied her with a compass and small flashlight - the one that I could hardly figure out how to put the batteries in. I know she would do ok without the extras, but Grandma feels much better knowing she is prepared.
They will visit Steve this evening as he has some info and maps for them, and I'm sure he has a few items for their safety and comfort in the wilderness. He and I are both dying of envy. Here is a picture of Ara and Dylan (I forgot to ask him if he spells it like the poet or the US Marshall). In the picture, the yellow cord around her neck has my whistle attached to it!
ReplyDeleteI will try to find a sticking program for your Mac. The program Rick and I use automatically does everything for you. I will see if there isn't something easier for you to use.
Hey Gypsy, I think you hit the nail right on the head when you said "I decided to devote my time and attention and brain power on things I was interested in"!!
ReplyDeleteThat's exactly all I've done since I retired 11 years ago - computers were my career job for 35 years and I've been lucky enough to have them as my favourite hobby and "interest" since then!
I know nothing about "little red potatoes except they taste good". "Immersing myself in other cultures; spiritual quests" - I know nothing about it and I'm not really all that interested either. Give me a new gizmo any day over a spiritual whatever!!
I would buy the camera that did it for me. I had a high stress job in which I had to be on top of new information all the time. When I retired, I quit trying to learn every new thing that comes along. I now try to find the easiest way to do something. And the more I do some things the better I get at it. Now I have the time to do the practice instead of having to know it "right now". I'd rather just enjoy.
ReplyDeleteI am a lot like you. The only reason I wanted to learn how to do the panoramic pictures is because I was always so upset that the pictures I took were so flat. Some of the scenery we see is just beautiful, and I am hoping this will help show some of it. I envy you, I couldn't begin to put a tent together. Stay safe. Pidge
ReplyDeleteAnother beautiful pic of Ara. Well, actually Ara is the beautiful one, not the pic. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on the learning stuff. I just cannot spend all of my time at the computer trying to learn every cotton-picking thing everybody else can do. I'm beginning to learn that there is actually "life" outside of the RV and away from the computer screen. Wow.
Yup, I think our brains get so filled with junk we don't need to know, that when we want to relax and only concentrate on things we WANT to know-- it gets all cornfuddled!!!
Karen and Steve
(Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard