I then made my way to a store that I know carries a lot of supplements and found what I wanted. They only come in 99 mg tablets, which the label says is only 3% of RDA. I bought a bottle and when I got back home I did more research which informed me that the government doesn't approve anything higher than 99mg so that's the strength they come in, while requirements can be in the range of 3500 grams a day! I will start out by taking 2 with every meal, and then I plan to see a doctor when I'm in NY, and possibly get prescription strength potassium, if in fact that is what I need. The list of deficiency symptoms covers a lot of what I've been noticing, especially leg cramps throughout the night.
Further research shows that a banana contains about 450 mg of potassium, and I try to eat them several times a week but I still have problems. So I really do need to get something that is prescription strength.
Now I need to clean the kitchen floor so that I can use my new mat. While I doubt I will love it to the extent of wanting to slave over a hot stove all day, I think I will like standing on it, and it certainly will give some pizzazz to my kitchen.
I'm going to go back to my map studying. I've already altered the route somewhat to get me off a long stretch of interstate. Thanks Sandie for your recommendations. This is almost as much fun as the actual trip, but only "almost".
Hi Gypsy - My husband needs additional potassium, and it does, indeed require a prescription for it. I don't know why there is so little in any supplemental pill, but there must be a reason for it.
ReplyDeleteRight after his transplant, they had to give it to him in a very slow infusion, but now he is able to take tablets.
If you have a regular doctor, he should be able to prescribe it for you. I get my husband's through Medicare and it is covered under Part D.
Virtual hugs,
I would check with a Dr. before taking the over the counter mineral. A simple blood test will figure out your level and what you need to do. Those on blood pressure medication often need a potassium boost. It can be fatal...too much or too little, so be careful with the OTC stuff.
ReplyDeleteGypsy....I wish you would break down and turn on your A/C. The extreme heat you are experiencing is affecting your energy level as is the pollen you just wrote about. Buy a new A/C filter and turn on the A/C. It may also help with the upstairs noise issue also, but most importantly, it will make you feel better and more energetic.
ReplyDeleteHi Gypsy,
ReplyDeletePlease see your Doctor. Potassium is not something to guess at. If you are dehydrated, that could be what is draining your body of Potassium, or it could be something altogether different, like not eating enough.
Take Care of yourself.
I don't think it's a good idea to self diagnos if you are not a doctor. MHO
ReplyDeleteYou could be low in potassium because you are not eating right.
ReplyDeleteOne should be able to get enough out of their food, and too much can cause even more problems.
I do wish you would go see a doctor, and have a blood test.
Lots of hugs, and happy trails, Penny, TX
Nice floor mat Gypsy - good buy. I'm with the others who are worried about taking potassium medication without knowing for sure if it's really required. A simple blood test will tell you what your potassium level is and if it's normal or not.
ReplyDeleteMy concern is that you could make matters much worse by taking medications you don't need - especially potassium.
Even the cushy cute floor mat would not make me want to stand over a stove in this heat. We grill almost everything even though it's hot outside. At least the inside stays cool.
ReplyDeleteThat kitchen mat is gonna come in real handy for sweeping things under. Cooking isn't my thing so I won't be needing a mat anytime soon. Gotta be careful about that health stuff but I'm like you & have a tendency to try & deal with things myself. Heck, I even got my very own morning medicinal veggy shakes to carry me through through them there sickly troubled times.
ReplyDeleteBruce just headed out to the store to buy a cushy rug for in front of our stove in hopes I'll cook more, too.
ReplyDeleteGood advice about seeing a DR. on the potassium thing. Let us know what you find out.
I have always been a bit low on Potassium, but it has never been suggested that I take anything but a banana for it.
ReplyDeleteI am with the crowd here. Even though I hate to go to the Dr. That seems the wise thing here. A blood test will eliminate the questions. Rarely do things improve with procrastination.
Be very careful messing around with your potassium levels. Its best to go to the doctor for a simple blood test to be sure the levels are in range. Safety first!
ReplyDeleteCramps can come from dehydration...stay away from Alcoholic Beverages which one side effect is Dehydration and sugar depletion! A multi vitamin should give you the all the necessary vitamins and minerals you need.
ReplyDeleteWE always cook and eat early..for that very reason if we wait too late we just eat sandwiches-and thats no good..even a good microwave meal is better than nothing!!
I agree about getting a check up--routine one should be easy to get at a Drs office..and def turn on the AC without it I couldnt even think straight..and its doesnt run up the electric bill like heating does-and it just might cover that noisy upstairs couple!!!
Meanwhile rest up and feel better soon!!!