Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Monday, January 25, 2010

A laid-back day (2nd post Jan 25)

I'm doing a 2nd post today because I want to get back on track for writing them in the evening - it is easier when I am working.

I wanted to get my laundry over with early but there was no electric, so I just left the basket there and came back home. I got some things together to mail to my grandsons and went over to Tybee Island. The best post office in the country, and the best postal clerk are in the Tybee Island P.O.

I also drove to the River's End RV Park to get a look and to stop in the camper's store in hopes they had an "L" connection for my water hose. No "L", but I talked to the camphost for a little while and got some info about the park. It doesn't look as spacious as some parks, although it would serve me fine and there would be no problem towing my 5ver to the registration office and into one of the longer pull through sites. I didn't walk around to look at the pool or other amenities. I think their prices seem high, although it is the beach that draws people into the area, and I'm sure you would find hotel, house rentals, condos, etc., just as comparatively pricey in season.

The nightly rate as of Feb. 14 for Water & Electric Sites is $39; 30-Amp Full Hook-Up is $45; 50 Amp Full Hook Up is $55. A 10% discount is given for Good Sam, AARP, Coachmen Owner's Assn, and Active military. The park had a lot of empty spaces when I was there, so it certainly didn't look crowded. But when it is filled up, then I don't know.

For RVers who like spiffy resorts with lots of amenities, you might prefer something more polished. A lot of folks have weighed in on the issue of "It" factor, and I'm sure by some people's standards this wouldn't have it. But by my definition an "It" park requires a good and friendly welcome, a fairly easy site to get into, utilities that work, and not a whole lot of rules. I agree that no noise during certain hours and pick up after your pets are two absolutes, but I wouldn't stay at a park that had an age limit (on the RV, that is) for example. To me that is uppity, and I don't like uppity. Of course there are rules about campfires, food & glass in the pool area, and food & alcohol at campsite only. The management seems very friendly and I would not hesitate to try this park, but that is my opinion only.

When I wrote my feelings earlier about needing some time to myself to get my energy back, I didn't mean to imply that I don't like being around people. I need other people, but trying to find the perfect balance is challenging. I am pleased that I can enjoy and relate to others as well as I do, especially in my job, but I was really wondering about why I wanted to go to sleep at 7:30 in the evening. That's how I figured I wasn't able to recover enough energy to make it through the next day without just crashing. I'm not talking only about physical energy, but also about the mental and emotional drivers that we all have. Understanding it makes it easier to deal with.

Back to the electric problem here at the park, when I returned from Tybee Island I discovered I had no electricity either. It turns out the entire park was without, including both stores and cash registers. I decided it was a perfect time to exercise the genny for an hour, which I did. I had the oil changed in November but really hadn't run it since I left Lassen, and was pleased to find it started like a champ! The electricity came back on this afternoon and I guess all is well. I don't know if they had a problem or were just upgrading it.

I got a thank you letter from one of my granddaughters today - I have been sending all the grandkids post cards at least every other week, and little gifts I pick up. Autumn wrote to thank me for the birthday and Christmas presents plus the postcards. She wrote that she can't wait to see me when I get to California, and she wants me to "play ballet with her". I'd better be careful because this could lead to serious injury on my part.


  1. Sounds like a good time to kick back and have a brew. Well if were about 90 outside. I am not a cold weather drinker.

  2. Gypsy, I didn't take your first post to mean that you were anti-social at all. I understood you to mean you just weren't a party girl! I'm with you. No parties, please.

    What a nice Grandma you are to send out little gifts from time to time. Let's em know you're still thinking of them and loving them, even from far away.

    Have a great week!

  3. Hi Sis!

    Just have to comment regarding the thank-yous from Audie... You are very fortunate indeed in that all four of your children have met and married really great spouses. I'm hoping that my four are as lucky as yours...

